Profile of Terror

Free Profile of Terror by Alexa Grace

Book: Profile of Terror by Alexa Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Grace
both a lover and a best friend — someone who was in it for the long haul.  She wanted happily ever after.
    Compared to her sister, Kaitlyn was a Girl Scout with a badge in chastity.  Okay, she wasn't completely chaste, thanks to Mitch Bargo, her no-good ex-fiancé, who'd turned her world upside down.  And not in a good way.  Just the thought of Mitch sent her stomach swirling and her teeth gritting.
    Kaitlyn got into her car, plopping down in the driver's seat, slamming the door, and then locking it.  As she turned the ignition on, a thought sizzled through her brain.  Knowing Abby as well as she did, she was convinced that Abby dumped Gabe.  As if she enjoyed it, her sister always had to be the one who broke up the non-relationship.  Abby didn't have relationships.  She hated the thought of being with any man more than a couple of weeks.  So if Dr. Ramsey was correct and Abby dated Gabe for a month, it was highly unusual.  For Abby, boredom always set in, and it was time to say good-bye.  Abby had a way of breaking up with a man that didn't include sensitivity or empathy.  The harder they took the break-up, the more she enjoyed it.
    Her mind raced with all the possibilities, and one of them went on repeat.  She couldn't get rid of the thought, fear, or whatever it was.  What if Abby used her typical lack of finesse to break up with Gabe and she angered him so much that he made her disappear?  If a private investigator specialized in finding people, he could be a master in knowing how to make people vanish.  Right?

Chapter Four             
    Sitting cross-legged on her bed, Kaitlyn turned on her bedside lamp and pulled out Abby's journal.  The first ten pages were about Abby's classes and about a professor named Ted Foster who gave Abby the creeps. 
    Professor Foster asked me to dinner again today. He waited until all the other students left the classroom before he handed me my test.  He'd given me an " A. "   But did I really earn it?  He appraised my breasts as he moved closer, until he was almost touching me. " I've given you another " A, " Abby.  Won't you reward me by having dinner with me tonight? "
    I told him I had plans and raced out of there like my butt was on fire. Last Tuesday evening, just before dark, I saw him walk past my apartment. He stood under a street light for a while, and then walked down the alley that leads to the parking lot in back.  God, he freaks me out.  Every time he gets near me, a pervert alert goes off inside my brain.  I'd like nothing better than to plant a hard kick to his groin.  Perhaps I will someday.  Something to look forward to.
    When was the last time this creep saw Abby?  Did he hurt her because she rejected his advances one time too many?
    She kept reading as she reached the middle of the journal.  Abby wrote about the man Kaitlyn referred to as their ex-father.
    I tried to find Daddy through the Internet tonight, and found many men named Robert Elliott Reece, but none of them was Daddy.  I won't stop looking until I find him.  I need him.
    I wish I could wash the day he left out of my mind.  From my bedroom, I could hear Daddy and Mommy arguing in the kitchen.  I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and begged for them to stop.  I was crying and Daddy picked me up and hugged me.  " Everything will be okay, Princess. "   But over his shoulders, I saw his suitcases near the back door and I knew he was leaving us.  I remember crying hysterically and begging him not to go.  He'd promised he'd be with me forever, and now he was leaving.  Daddy put me down and told me to go to my room.  I refused.  " I'll send a check each month, " he said to Mommy.  " Don't try to find me.  I'm not coming back. "   He picked up his suitcases and opened the back door.  Mommy grabbed my wrist and I struggled to get free.  I wanted to go with Daddy. I want to find him.  After all

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