Scent of Magic

Free Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder

Book: Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria V. Snyder
feeling lumped in my chest. It was as if I had healed them, and now the jacks were headed for danger. So far, no one had returned from that sector. If all went well, they’d be back in ten days.
    To keep from brooding over the jacks, I concentrated on training Sergeant Wynn’s squad. Since I’d arrived, I’d worked eight days straight. But I finally had an afternoon off on the ninth day.
    Exhaustion dragged at my limbs, but I needed to do a little exploring. Walking through the camp, I scanned faces, searching for Melina. She could have been sent to another training camp or was out on patrol, but I’d promised Mom I’d look after her. I’d figure out how I’d keep my promise once I found her.
    I also searched for my sister, Noelle, although I knew she’d most likely be with Jael. From a distance, the general’s tent near the manor house blended in with the others surrounding it. All the same size, color and shape. Except Jael’s tent buzzed with activity and red-robed acolytes. I settled in a shady spot on a rise to watch the action, noting who entered and who left.
    A familiar figure ducked through the flaps. Recognition shot through me like a cold lance. Noelle headed east, walking fast. Only my promise to Kerrick kept me from following her. She disappeared from my sight, then returned with a major in tow.
    My heart pumped like I had just run up the Nine Mountains. After a few moments, my pulse settled, but each time Noelle appeared, it quickened. From what I’d seen, I’d guess Jael sent her to relay messages and fetch officers, acolytes, food and supplies.
    When the sunlight faded, Jael and Noelle left together and headed toward the manor house. No surprise that Jael wouldn’t sleep on a cot outside when an opulent room and four-poster bed waited for her inside.
    Jael’s graceful strides matched her royal bearing. Even with a sword hanging from her belt, she appeared to be more like a queen than a general. Noelle stayed two steps behind her. She had pulled her long black hair into a knot, making her look older than her fourteen years. Or was it fifteen?
    I realized with a jolt that she had turned fifteen a month ago, which made me twenty-one. My birthday had been completely forgotten—too busy struggling to keep away from Tohon’s touch when I’d been his prisoner.
    When Jael and Noelle entered the building, I debated. With the infirmary on the ground floor, another soldier walking around wouldn’t be too noticeable. But if any of the infirmary workers recognized me, my cover would be blown.
    Instead, I made another sweep of the camp, noting the position of the companies and platoons. There was a large, enclosed complex in the northeast corner. The fence around it had been built with what appeared to be two-story oversized barn doors attached to thick posts. I peeked in through the small gap next to a post. Inside the enclosure was a sprawling collection of barns, sheds and a farmhouse. Why would it be fenced off?
    Unable to deduce the reason, I grabbed supper and joined the other sergeants at the fire. With Ursan, Liv and Saul on patrol, there were only three of us. I asked Odd about the complex.
    “That’s for the prisoners of war,” he said.
    “I didn’t see anyone.”
    “They were probably all inside. They wear these bright yellow jumpsuits so they’re real easy to spot. We don’t have many POWs yet. The High Priestess values life, so I’d expect we’ll be ordered to capture our enemies instead of killing them when possible. The enclosure has plenty of room,” Odd said in a dismissive tone.
    “Unlike General Jael,” Wynn said. “She has no qualms about killing the enemy and wishes to attack Tohon first, but the High Priestess won’t give her permission.”
    “She’s stepped up the patrols again,” Odd said. “How much do you want to bet she’ll disobey the High Priestess’s orders?”
    “I’ll bet a week’s pay the colonels won’t let her. They’re still loyal to the High

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