Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3)

Free Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3) by Lacey Black

Book: Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3) by Lacey Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Black
my hands gripping her soft skin as I continue to explore her mouth with my own. Josselyn’s arm wraps around my neck pulling our chests flush against each other. The friction of her core rubbing against my insanely hard cock causes a primal growl to escape my lips.
    Without breaking the connection of our mouths and body, I lead her backwards towards my bedroom. As we walk, my hands dip down and start to lift the hem of her red tank top. I slide my hands along her heated flesh as I remove her top exposing the red bra underneath. My cock jerks in my pants at the sight before me.
    Before I can lean forward and taste those glorious mounds of breasts, it’s like a cold bucket of water is dumped on us both as Josselyn breathlessly says, “Wait.”
    “What?” I ask as I look up into her hazel eyes. Brown. Those beautiful eyes seem to turn brown when she’s turned on and excited. But what I see now in the depths of those hazel eyes is embarrassment.
    “We shouldn’t do this, Travis,” she replies as she uses her arms to try to shield her red lace covered breasts.
    “Why?” I ask, my voice hoarse as I practically choke on desire and need.
    Josselyn takes another step back and sits down on the end of my bed. She’s looking down at the floor and I can almost see the internal battle she’s having with herself at this moment. I sit down next to her on the bed and, again, fight the urge to touch her. Touching her now would be bad, very bad.
    Josselyn doesn’t say anything for several minutes. Finally, I can’t take the silence any longer so I reach over and gently take her chin in my hand, turning her to face me. Her eyes remain dipped downward as if she’s fighting eye contact. “Joss, what’s wrong?”
    She exhales deeply. I feel her breath against my face. The feel of her breath, the smell of her, makes me want her so fiercely I struggle to remain in control. “I just don’t think that having sex is a good idea, Travis.”
    “Okay. Explain to me why you’re thinking that because if I remember correctly, sex before was pretty fucking amazing.”
    Josselyn smiles at me. “Yes, it was. But things are different now. I think sex would complicate things.”
    “More complicated than two virtual strangers having a baby together?” I ask with a small smile of my own.
    She shows me the full wattage of her beautiful smile as she says, “Yes. I just think that we have so much to learn about each other and so much to figure out that if we have sex, we won’t be able to focus on the big picture here.”
    “And what is the big picture here?” I ask because honestly, having Josselyn underneath me again is pretty damn high up on my to-do list. In fact, right now, it’s the only thing on my to-do list.
    “We have to become friends. We’re going to have a baby, Travis. I don’t really know you, but I want to. I want to know you in all the ways that friends know each other, and maybe someday, as lovers. But right now, I think we need to keep this relationship PG.”
    PG? Impossible. I can’t control my mind - or my hands for that matter - when she’s near me. I take a deep, steady breath and ultimately realize she’s probably right. As painful as it is to think with my big head at this moment, we do need to be friends first. Our lives will always be connected through our child, and we need to learn how to co-exist. Maybe we’ll co-exist in the same place and maybe not. I guess only time will tell.
    “Okay. I see what you’re saying. I’ll agree to keep my hands to myself as much as possible. But, I’m going to warn you, if I relapse every now and then, you can’t hold it against me,” I say with a cocky smile.
    Josselyn laughs and replies, “Deal.”
    I walk over to my dresser and dig out a fairly new t-shirt for her to wear to bed. Most of my other shirts are stained up and kind of grungy from work. I have a couple I keep aside for non-work wear, but honestly, I prefer nothing but a sheet for sleeping. Since

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