Deck of Cards

Free Deck of Cards by ID Johnson

Book: Deck of Cards by ID Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: ID Johnson
she could.
    “Thank you!” he exclaimed. “I have all of this wood and sawdust.  I was able to drop some of it through the arrow slits but then, I thought, I don’t want anyone to see it on the ground below and become suspicious. You see, my dear, I have a plan,” he said winking.
    Her expression was one of disbelieve and astonishment so, as he began to pass small pieces of wood and handfuls of sawdust, some of it wrapped in the bloody towels, through the slit in the door, he attempted to explain his plot for escaping the tower.  “You see,” he began, “there’s a giant bookcase in here. I’m not exactly sure why it is here or who put it here because it takes up too much room and books don’t even really sit up on it, but it’s here nonetheless.  And it’s hallow!”
    Katey stifled a sneeze.  The sawdust was tickling her nose.  The little basket was just about full.  She knew she didn’t have room for an entire bookcase worth of wood in it.  “So,” he continued, “Here’s my idea.  I’m going to hall ow out the back and hide there! When next they come to pay me a visit, they will see I have found a way to escape. They will run out, leaving the door open behind them and I will use that as my opportunity to flee! What do you think?  Do you think it will work?’”
    No—that was her initial response.  No, she did not think it would work for a number of reasons. First of all, while it appeared to be a bookshelf, Katey was pretty sure that was not what he was talking about.  This tower had probably been used for religious prisoners back during the period of reform in Clovington.  The shelves were narrow because they weren’t for books.  They were for relics.  Though she knew it was possible that Philip or Edward or whomever was next to pay Matthew a visit might be stupid enough not to pull the cabinet out from the wall, she didn’t think it was likely. Unless he found a way to reattach the back so that he was inside it with a cover over the enclosure, she was quite sure he would be found out.  Secondly, even if he was able to go undetected, there was a pretty good chance that they would not leave the door open when they ran back down the stairs searching for him. Chances are they would take every precaution to ensure he was not able to escape if he were still inside of the room, therefore, a shut and locked door would make the most sense to everyone.
    Then, there was the fact that only one stairwell lead out of this tower. Matthew would have to follow his captures down the stair, through the secret passage, make his way out of the castle, past the army and home.  How would any of this be possible? No, it really seemed completely impossible. The only way it could conceivably be successful would entail a comedy of errors on the side of Philip and his men.  And though they were not exactly savants, surely they could keep a man in a prison with one gate and one exit.
    The expression in Matthew’s eyes was enough to convey to Katey, however, that he needed to believe in this plan.  He needed one of the few things she could give him—hope.  There was no reason to let him know she found his chances of success nil to none.  She nodded her head in agreement.  Yes, yes, she thought his plan was a good one—infallible.  What could possibly go wrong?
    “Wonderful!” Matthew exclaimed. “I’ve been in here so long, sometimes I wonder if I’m even thinking rationally anymore, you know?” He finished with the last scraps of wood, which Katey placed in her pocket because the basket was full, and dusted his hands off on his filthy breeches and settled back against the door. He could vaguely see her blue eyes and their beauty made him desire to see the rest of her face.  He wondered if she was really as beautiful as he thought she must be. “Now, once I get out of here, where do I go? Do you know?”
    Of course, she had some ideas.  She raised her finger to her lips, tapping lightly as she

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