Blood Red

Free Blood Red by Vivi Anna

Book: Blood Red by Vivi Anna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivi Anna
ask. There are eyes all around us. We are being watched right now. This is all I can do for you.”
    Rapunzel sat back up. She placed her hands on his chest and rode him hard. Wolf gripped her around the waist and gazed up into her grimaced face. She was flushed; her eyes were dilated with lust. He pulled her down to him, and rolled them over.
    He rammed into her hard and fast. He pumped until sweat poured off his forehead. She screamed out 75

    Vivi Anna

    as she came violently. She dug her nails into his shoulders. Wolf continued to slam into her, forcing her to endure her climax, until he also came.
    He rested on her. His hands still wrapped in her hair. “Thank you,” he whispered into her ear.
    She wrapped her arms around him and held him until they both quieted and were able to move again.

    Blood Red

Chapter Eight

    W olf stood in a great green field. The wind blew his long black hair around him. His eyes flashed in the bright sunlight. He was smiling.
    Red walked toward him. She was smiling. Her arms were outstretched toward him, beckoning him to her.
    They met. They touched. Wolf enveloped her in his strong arms. She nestled into the crook of his arm, feeling safe and secure…and loved. She sighed into him.
    “I’ve been searching for you, Red. I’ve been looking for you my whole life.” His voice was high and hollow.
    Red flinched under his hold. She raised her head and looked up at his face. He was grinning. But his face was changing. It filled out, and wrinkled. His blue eyes darkened to hazel. His hair turned gray and shortened.
    Red was looking into her Granny’s face.
    “Now, my darling, I can finally kill you.” She lifted her hand. A knife glinted in the sun. She drove it down into Red’s chest.
    Red jolted awake, a scream stuck in her dry throat, and her heart pounding loudly in her head. She looked about her. Everything was upside down. She tried to lift her head, but it was heavy, and her neck 77

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    was sore. Her arms pulled at her shoulders, and her legs screamed with pain. She took in a ragged breath and raised her head.
    She was hanging by her chains on a steel rod sticking out of the stone wall. And she was still naked. Her buttocks swayed only inches above the ground. She hung in a V shape. Her feet and hands pointed up, nearly touching each other. She felt like a side of beef on a hook preparing to be sliced into choice cut steaks.
    The cool air circled over her skin. She quivered.
    She felt it most at the intersection of her legs. Her sex was exposed to the elements and prying eyes. She wondered how long she’d been hanging here. From the pain radiating throughout her muscles, she thought hours, for sure.
    She thought about Wolf. She hoped he was still alive, that they didn’t beat him to death. Her head ached violently from the rap she had gotten. She had been foolish rushing to him like that. They would certainly use those feelings against her. Feelings she was just starting to realize were there.
    She heard movement at the door of her cell. She glanced over. The guards stood leering at her. One opened the door.
    “Hello, love, finally dry?”
    “Fuck you,” Red murmured.
    “Sorry, love, we already played that game, remember?”
    Red knew he was lying. She would have felt it if she had been violated.
    The guards stepped back and a petite dark-haired 78

    Blood Red

    woman entered the cell. She was wearing a plain cotton dress and her hair was up in a bun. She carried a bowl of water and a cloth. She was obviously a servant.
    She set the bowl on the floor, averting her eyes from Red. “Could you please set her down so I can have a look at her?”
    The guards grabbed her and slid her off the rod.
    They carried her over to the mattress and dumped her.
    “Be careful with her. She bites.”
    The petite woman looked up at the guard, venom in her eyes. “I do not blame her.”
    “I’d watch what you say, girl.”
    “No, it’s you who had better mind his tongue. The

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