Twisted Arrangement 2

Free Twisted Arrangement 2 by Mora Early

Book: Twisted Arrangement 2 by Mora Early Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mora Early
Foundation if she hadn’t been.” He tugged his drenched suit jacket off and tossed it into the backseat, swabbing at the water on his face.
    “I didn’t just guess, Josh. I spoke with Rachel Suarez, one of our vendors. She also works the Farmer’s Market up there. She confirmed that you’d met Maisie. Apparently, Maisie mentioned the meeting to several people. So I touched base with her and made sure she’d be okay with me giving her name to Eugenie.” Emma stuffed the wadded, wet napkins back into her purse.
    Josh felt cold for the first time since he’d stepped into the rain. “You talked to Maisie Ransler?” If Emma had spoken with Maisie Ransler, he was already done for. There was no way Maisie wouldn’t mention that she’d talked to Emma to her husband. If Maisie knew Emma was only his party planner, then William did too.
    “Of course. I wouldn’t just give her name out without checking that it was okay first.” Emma stared at him as if he’d just suggested she take off all her clothes.
    “What exactly did you two talk about?” Dread twisted in Josh’s belly. If William Ransler found out he’d lied about being engaged, he was toast.
    Emma’s brows drew down. “I explained what we were trying to do in partnering with EMF and asked if she’d be alright if I gave Eugenie her name as a reference. She was very nice about everything.”
    “You explained...” Josh’s throat went dry.
    “Josh.” She touched his wrist gently. “Relax, I didn’t give away your plan. I just told her you were looking to do some more charity work recently and needed help getting your foot in the door. Since she’s so active in those circles, she’s a natural choice. I mean, I’m sure she has suspicions due to your timing. She did seem like a shrewd woman. But I didn’t rat you out. She and I just had a nice chat.”
    Josh turned on the car, not meeting Emma’s gaze. He was afraid she’d see the sudden desperation he felt. “She was that forthcoming even after you said you worked for me?” He cranked up the heat, fingers tight on the knob.
    “Yes. Like I said, she’s definitely on board with William joining your project.”
    He cut her a quick look from the corner of his eye. “What, exactly , did you say when you called her?”
    Emma’s confused frown deepened. “Josh, is everything okay? You look a bit pale.”
    “Please, Emma. Just tell me.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. He knew he was rousing Emma’s suspicions with his questions, but he couldn’t help it. He had to know if her call had sunk his plan before it even launched.
    “Well, I got my number to her through another party because I didn’t want to be intrusive and call her personal line. She called me. I told her my name and that I was calling about you and she said she knew who I was. And then we talked about EMF and the project. That’s it. Josh?” She chewed her lower lip. “I swear I didn’t talk out of school. I wouldn’t do that.”
    Relief rushed through him as sweet as wine. He grinned, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “I know. I’m just amazed at what you managed to do in so short a time, that’s all. You might be better at ferreting out information than Ben!”
    “Oh?” She drew her hand quickly out of his grasp and began fiddling with her seatbelt. “Didn’t he have any luck with his trip to... was it New York?” Her voice was still a little wobbly. Josh felt bad. He’d clearly spooked her a bit with his panicking. He smiled, hoping it looked reassuring. Ben’s trip had actually been an almost total bust, aggravatingly enough, but he tried to keep that from his face.
    “Not as much as I would have hoped. But that’s alright, he’s bringing in the big gun now. Maybe I should put you on the case, once this EMF thing is over with. If he hasn’t gotten it figured by then, of course.” He was joking, but her answering ‘heh heh’ was

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