
Free Player by Joanna Blake, Pincushion Press, Shauna Kruse

Book: Player by Joanna Blake, Pincushion Press, Shauna Kruse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake, Pincushion Press, Shauna Kruse
chewing my lip. I crossed out yet another number on my list. I’d long since given up on living near campus, or anything reasonably priced. Now I was calling every single place in the paper. Every number on the student housing board.
    The fact remained.
    I was fucked.
    I was supposed to pick up Honeysuckle today.
    God damn it.
    Maybe if I asked them, they could keep her another day or two? But that would only cost more. Plus, I didn’t want to leave her there longer than necessary. It wasn’t exactly a cheerful place.
    I wanted to take the best care of her that I could.
    Who was I kidding? I could barely take care of myself. I had no backup. No one to help me.
    I was all alone.
    I’d always been alone. And I always would be.
    I felt the familiar squeeze in my tummy. I was thinking about James again. If only he wasn’t such a player… it had felt almost real when he’d held me in his arms.
    Almost like he cared about me.
    But he just cared about himself. And his cock.
    His beautiful, perfect cock.
    I sighed, resting my head on my hands. I had midterms coming up soon. I had already lost my new job thanks to James. All I had were a couple of shifts at the rib joint.
    Like I said, I was fucked.
    Everything was going to hell in a hand basket.
    Oh well, nothing to do but face it. I counted my money again, leaving most of it in an envelope under my mattress. I could only hope they took installment plans.
    I grabbed a cardboard box for Honeysuckle from the recycling outside and took the bus across town. I was a bundle of nerves the whole way. I paced outside, trying to figure out something to say that would convince them to help me. Finally, I took a deep breath and walked into the animal hospital.
    “Hello, I was supposed to pick up my cat today.”
    The girl behind the desk barely even looked at me. She was playing with her phone and giggling while she twirled her hair. This was not off to a good start.
    I’m not gonna lie. I kind of wanted to smack her.
    Be nice Nadine…
    Suddenly, she wasn’t so disinterested. Her voice got high pitched. The receptionist started gushing.
    “Oh yes, he picked her up already!”
    “Excuse me?”
    “So gentle and sweet for such a big man!”
    My heart started thudding in my chest.
    He hadn’t.
    He wouldn’t.
    He couldn’t.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Your boyfriend picked her up! Took care of the bill and everything. He even bought supplies for her. The good stuff too.”
    James had my cat. He had taken her hostage. It was brilliant. Cruel, but brilliant.
    He’d done the one thing that I couldn’t fight back against. He’d won.
    The receptionist was still prattling on about James and how wonderful he was. How kind. What she didn’t know was that he was punishing me. He was bringing me to heel.
    I thanked her numbly and walked out.
    I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out.
    Perfect fucking timing.
    I stared at my phone. James had been texting and calling since I left his house. He’d been demanding that I come back. That I finish what I’d started.
    That I belonged to him.

    Get your ass back here right fucking now Deanie
    I am not joking around
    This is not negotiable
    You’re mine now. You fucking know it.

    And then just now:

    I’m waiting

    That last one had been less than a minute ago. He must have just finished practice. He’d timed everything just right. I’d avoided class again, knowing he would be there. I was supposed to be at the Pussycat Lounge in an hour, but I assumed I’d been fired for walking out the other night. I didn’t have anywhere to be.  
    I cringed, knowing I was losing the fight.
    James was going to get what he wanted after all.
    Delivered right to his doorstep with a big fat fucking bow wrapped around it like a gift.
    Only this time, it was me.  

Chapter Fourteen

    The doorbell rang. Slowly, I walked over to it. Outwardly I looked calm. But inside I was pissed off.

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