Lang, Chloe - Wilde Love [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Free Lang, Chloe - Wilde Love [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Chloe Lang

Book: Lang, Chloe - Wilde Love [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Chloe Lang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Lang
Jackson asked.
    “The key to this door.” Samantha turned to Austin. “You’ve already got it in your hand.”
    The stethoscope around the woman’s neck revealed how she’d known that. Jessie wondered how long she’d been listening at the door.
    “Toss it over, Mr. Wilde. Gently.”
    Austin glared at the crazy girl but still lobbed the key over.
    Without a word, Samantha jerked Jessie through the door into the hallway and shut it.
    In a flash, she locked the door’s deadbolt with Austin’s key. “Move a muscle, and you’re dead.”
    Jessie heard her men on the other side of the oak door. Clearly, they were trying to break it down.
    Samantha seemed unfazed by the commotion on the other side of the door. The woman opened her satchel and tossed the two keys inside. “Only two keys to that door, and I’ve got both of them. Pretty smart, don’t you think?”
    What to do? I can’t run with her having the gun. “I suppose.”
    “Just shut up, Jessie.”
    Samantha meticulously placed the stethoscope in the bag. In a flash, the crazy girl pointed the gun between Jessie’s eyes.
    Every bit of moisture in Jessie’s body seemed to dry up like the desert.
    “Turn around.”
    This is it. I’m going to die.
    “I said turn around, Jessie.”
    She obeyed.
    Jessie felt the barrel of the gun hit between her shoulder blades.
    “Okay.” Jessie began to walk.
    As they made their way down the hall, Jessie prayed for one of the club’s bouncers to appear, but none did. How the hell had Samantha gotten through all the security. Sure, the Wilde brothers’ cousins were still on their way, but the club was closed, and there were a few guys that had volunteered for guard duty.
    “Turn right.”
    Samantha was guiding her through a hallway that was meant for deliveries, not members. When Jessie spotted Tank on the floor, she began to understand how the woman had gotten to her. Jessie didn’t spot any blood around Tank, but he still didn’t look alive. His chest didn’t rise or fall.
    “Keep moving. There’s no helping him now.”
    Jessie kept pushing forward, hoping her guys would bust down the door and come to her rescue. Until then, she would try to find a way to escape this psychotic bitch who’d been gunning for her from the very first day she’d come to Wilde.

Chapter Eight

    Finally, Austin felt the door splinter as he and his brothers crashed into it one last time.
    Rage and fear for the woman he loved exploded inside him. He was responsible for another fuckup, and Jessie would be dead because of it.
    As they bolted down the hallway and found the body of Tank, his guilt rose. Why the hell had he dismissed Samantha as the killer? But he had. And they’d all overestimated the defenses they’d put in place at The Masters’ Chambers for Jessie.
    None of them stopped to check on Tank, recognizing it was too late. Austin’s youngest brother dialed the sheriff as they all ran to the parking lot. Jackson’s cool head impressed him.
    “Sheriff, Jackson Wilde here. Samantha’s behind everything. She just took Jessie at gunpoint from The Masters’ Chambers. We’re heading to our trucks to pursue her. She can’t have gotten far.”
    Denver was the first out the exit door. “I think we should all split up.”
    “Agreed.” Austin sensed that his brothers were all feeling the same heavy guilt he was.
    “Fuck!” Denver yelled and stopped in his tracks.
    As Austin stepped up beside him, he knew why Denver had yelled. Samantha had slashed every tire of every vehicle in the parking lot. “Fuck it. Let’s drive on the rims,” Austin said, even though he knew it to be hopeless.
    “Right.” Denver nodded.
    “I’ve got Tobias on the phone,” Dallas announced with his ear to his cell. “They’re almost here.”
    “How many trucks are they in?” Phoenix asked.
    Austin listened as Dallas spoke into his phone. After a short pause, Dallas answered. “Three.”
    Austin took control. “Tell

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