Free I DECLARE by Joel Osteen

Book: I DECLARE by Joel Osteen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Osteen
mighty armies of the unseen Most High God will stand behind you. Let me tell you, no power can stand against our God. No sickness. No addiction. No fear. No legal trouble. When you speak and you do not doubt, the mountain will be removed.
    Now, the mountain may not move overnight. It may look just the same month after month. Don't worry about it. In the unseen realm, things are changing in your favor. When Jesus was walking through a town, he saw a fig tree and went to get something to eat, but the tree didn't have any fruit on it. He looked at the tree and said, "You will not produce fruit anymore."
    Notice, Jesus talked to a tree. People of faith talk to their obstacles. Jesus walked away and it didn't look like anything had happened. The tree was just as green and healthy as it was before. I'm sure some of His disciples whispered, "It didn't work. Jesus must have lost His touch because He said for it to die but it didn't die." What they didn't realize was underneath the ground, in the root system, the moment Jesus spoke, all the life was cut off to that tree.
    When they came back through the town a little later, the disciples stood there in amazement. They saw that tree withered up, totally dead. In the same way, the moment you speak to your mountains, something happens. In the unseen realm, the forces of heaven go to work. God dispatches angels. He fights your battles. He releases favor. He moves the wrong people out of the way, sending healing, sending breakthrough, sending victory.
    You may not see what God has done for some time. That mountain may look just as big and permanent and strong as it was before. But if you will stay in faith and just keep speaking to the mountain, declaring it gone, declaring yourself healthy, blessed, and victorious—one day, all of a sudden, you will see that mountain has been removed.
    God will supernaturally do for you what you could not do for yourself. This is what happened to my mother. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1981. And she spent twenty-one days in the hospital. She came home. She and my father went to their bedroom and got on their knees. And they not only prayed and asked God to heal her, but they spoke to the cancer and commanded it to leave.
    There is a time to pray. But there is a time to speak. You don't pray about your mountains, you speak to your mountains. You declare that they will go. Jesus didn't pray about the fig tree. He didn't say, "Well, I believe it won't produce any fruit." He commanded it to not produce fruit.
    You should declare that your mountains move, whether they are sickness, depression, strife, or division in your family. Declare to each mountain, "Be removed," and you will have what you say.
    Here's the key: your mountains respond to your voice. I can speak faith over you all day long. Your friends can build you up with the scriptures. You can put on good music that will encourage and inspire. And all that's important. That's all good.
    But your mountain will respond only to your voice. When you rise up in faith and declare, "Sickness, addiction, depression, leave my life. In the name of Jesus, you've got to go," the forces of heaven come to attention.
    David spoke to his mountain of an enemy He looked Goliath in the eyes and declared, "You come against me with a sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God of Israel."
    He declared to his mountain, "Goliath, this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. I will defeat you and feed your head to the birds of the air." David was saying, "You may be big, but I know my God is bigger. And when I speak to the mountain, God has promised it will be removed."
    You may feel there are too many obstacles between you and your God-given dreams. You are standing exactly where David stood. It's not enough to just pray about it. It's not enough to just believe that you're going to get better. Now more than ever, you need to declare, "Mountain of debt, mountain of addiction,

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