Alphas Divided - Part 1 of 3

Free Alphas Divided - Part 1 of 3 by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire

Book: Alphas Divided - Part 1 of 3 by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire
barks and howls more for communication and warnings. She'd seen domestic dogs fight before, and by the time they had gotten to the actual fighting, all the barking had stopped.
    She did hear deep growls rumbling up from the arena floor though, usually when the two were separated for a few seconds, analyzing their next moves before launching towards the other wolf's throat once again.
    Each wolf was soon bleeding, both of them landing well placed bites and tearing gashes from the other.
    Kate reached over and took Emma's hand, squeezing it tight as she watched her mate fight.
    "I didn't realize it would be this..."
    "Animalistic? Scary?" Emma fed her the words she had been thinking.
    "Bloody." Kate whispered to Emma, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear, and awe.
    Galen pinned Elam then. Emma closed her eyes tight, not wanting to watch, but her eyes forced themselves back open, almost against her will. She couldn't help but stare, even though it was making her sick to her stomach to see it all.
    Elam's body started and jerked, trying to wrench himself from Galen's weight.
    "It will be Galen, then. As everyone said." Kate's words were low, mumbled.
    Emma barely heard them as she watched Elam try to get up.
    "I will be the Alpha's mate!" There was pride in Kate's tone, in her words, but there was something else in them as well. They were muttered fervently, almost desperately.
    And then Elam was loose, and flying at Galen.
    Elam's full weight hit Galen before he was fully prepared, and the two bodies collided with a solid thud. A grunt hit Emma's ears, but she wasn't sure who'd uttered it.
    The wolves' momentum drove them against the trunk of a large tree, and then they slid to the ground, rolling together.
    Soon Elam had Galen pinned, reversing their positions of just a moment ago.
    "No!" Kate's cry reached Emma's ear just before Elam's teeth seemed to sink into Galen's throat.
    But the wolves rolled again, another blur of fur and teeth. She couldn't keep track of who was winning.
    "Are you sure they won't kill each other?" Emma's worried question was fired over her shoulder at Thomas, looking for reassurance.
    He took a few moments to answer, during which the brothers continued to vie for dominance, each one seeming to come out ahead, just a heartbeat before being knocked back onto his ass once again.
    "They are quite well matched, even more so than I thought. But no, I doubt either will kill the other. It looks worse than it really is, with all the blood. Werewolves heal very quickly. I'm sure some of their initial wounds are already almost healed. It looks bad, I know. Even more so to your eyes. But I don't foretell any fatal strikes, my dear."
    "Then how will it be decided? They just wear each other down like this until only one has the energy to stand?"
    Emma could feel both Kate and Ziva pulling hard for Galen. She knew Elam wasn't interested in being Alpha, so she was confused as to why he was fighting so hard. They'd put on a great show. Both brothers were obviously equals in battle. But she knew one wanted it, and the other didn't.
    It seemed like any moment now would be a good time for Galen to take it, and for Elam to still come out of this looking like a warrior.
    The two stilled suddenly.
    Elam was crouched on his stomach, with Galen above him, pinning him down. Galen looked to have Elam's throat in his teeth.
    For a second Emma almost giggled. She was sure it was the stress of watching this that turned her mind to silly, inappropriate thoughts, but it almost looked to her like the two were mating instead of fighting.
    With Elam underneath Galen like that, Galen above him, his weight pinning Elam down, and Galen's teeth at the nape of Elam's neck, it looked to her like two dogs she always saw mating in the front yard next door when she was growing up.
    She covered her mouth to silence the giggles she was afraid were about to escape at the thought of this whole challenge turning on a dime into something

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