Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2

Free Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2 by Denise Tompkins

Book: Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2 by Denise Tompkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Tompkins
harm, Maddy, particularly knowing it would cause you heartache. I’m so sorry.”
    I nodded. His acceptance that magic proved Bahlin was gone began to seep into me, and I felt a massive wave of grief roaring up from deep in my soul. Needing ease from any source I could find it, I turned and let him tuck my face into his bare shoulder. I jumped at the heat emanating from his body.
    I couldn’t stand having my nose pressed into his skin when it smelled so different from my dragon. I turned my back to him, and he spooned against me, wrapping me tightly in his arms. It was an awful comfort.
    Sleep, elusive sleep, didn’t find me that night.

Chapter Six
    I was staring at the same wall I’d watched all night when the sun broke over the horizon. Hellion’s breathing was slow and even but I didn’t think he was asleep either. The night had seen me swing back and forth between despair and rage, shaking with each emotional shift, as I waited. All night I clutched the phone, mentally willing it to ring. The silence had been an unkind companion.
    Hellion had held me tight, never making it a matter of sexual interest but rather human support. Not once did he complain.
    “You need to get some breakfast,” he finally said, speaking into my hair so his breath was hot on my scalp.
    “I’m not hungry,” I croaked.
    “It’s not a matter of hunger, Maddy, it’s a matter of survival. Your body needs fuel. I’m going to the kitchen to make you put together a smoothie. It’s not open for debate. Any flavor requests?”
    “Strawberry.” I ignored the command and gave in to the practicality. What was the point in fighting?
    “Done.” He got up and tucked the coverlet around me while I continued to lie there.
    “Then you have to take me to the hotel,” I murmured.
    He traced a hand down the back of my head. “As I promised, so I’ll do.” Then he was gone.
    I could hear him rummaging around in the kitchen, pans and such clanging as he dug out whatever he needed while muttering to himself. I felt like such a traitor, having spent the night with Bahlin’s potential killer… No. I couldn’t think that way. I’d seen the whole accident, and logic had to rule my thoughts. Bahlin had started the fight despite my admonition about no retaliation. True, Hellion had continued the fight, going so far as to even follow Bahlin out the window. I’d lay no blame anywhere. But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t grieve the loss, whether it proved temporary or more permanent.
    The sound of the blender ripped through the silent morning, and I winced at the obnoxious grating noise. Burrowing farther under the covers, I realized I was cold without Hellion.
    He walked back into the room carrying two smoothies and I sat up, folding the coverlet to the side. He smiled gently and, setting the glasses on the night table, he scooped me up in his arms and folded the bedcovers back before setting me down on the mattress. I propped myself up on the pillows and he crawled back in bed, handing me one of the glasses. I snuggled up to him for his warmth and drank.
    “Thank you for this.” I didn’t know if I meant breakfast or the night just passed. I didn’t intend to look too closely at it.
    “I’m so sorry, Madeleine. For all my new and unexpected jealousy, I never meant to seriously hurt him.”
    I turned in slow motion, a horrible thought crossing my mind. “Did you kill him to satisfy your debt against Gretta’s life?” If he had, I’d kill him myself.
    His eyes flared with shock before settling into outrage. “No. I told you, that debt is long past, particularly with our situation. Had Gretta lived, I would have left her, if not for cheating with Tarrek then because I’ve found you. Gretta is done, history.”
    I nodded, settling back into numbness. I had new empathy for how Hellion must have felt when I killed Gretta. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you I was really sorry for killing her. I was, you know.”
    “Not so directly. But I

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