My Lady Enslaved

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Book: My Lady Enslaved by Shirl Anders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirl Anders
Tags: Romance
little ass.
    He was so tight with passion himself that he nearly shook as he used his free hand to loosen his evening pants until they fell to his knees. His jutting cock fell free posing rigidly over Rosebud’s creamy white buttocks as he grasped her hips to anchor himself and her. He dipped his hips forward so that the blunt head of his cock prodded the rosy relaxed entrance that he’d worked. He continued to circle his palms over Rosebud’s plushly rounded hips in a soothing motion as he pushed forward more, “Oh!” until the head of his prick was encased. “Oh! Mmm,” she mewled.
    “Christ,” he groaned involuntarily.
    Harrison felt the exquisite walls of Rosebud’s ass crimp lightly at the invasion, then relax a bit and accept more of him. She was so unearthly tight around his cock that he actually shook as he pushed forward more stretching her further until he was encased inside her ass up to the hilt of his cock. He flung the damp hair out of his eyes with a jerk of his head as his hard jaw clenched tight with the effort he used not to savagely fuck Rosebud’s ass. He had other plans.
    “Raven.” She peeked back over her shoulder at him with her brown eyes dazed in passion.
    He bent over catching her earlobe with his teeth, then he licked the side of her cheek with his tongue. “How does it feel, baby girl?” he whispered wickedly.
    “As if you own me,” she gasped.
    “I do,” he breathed heavily, and then his fingers sought her hot pussy, reaching it over the side of her hip.
    “Raven,” she whimpered, instantly undulating her ass as soon as his fingertips tweaked her swollen clitoris. God, every movement she made was bliss along the length of his cock as his buttocks clenched in reaction.
    “That’s it, baby girl, I want you to move on me,” he groaned.
    “Raven. Raven!” Rosebud cried as he plucked her clitoris and she began to hump his cock. In and out of her ass without coherent thought, he suspected. The ache to be the one riding instead of ridden finally overwhelmed him and he grasped her shoulders bending her over more at the hips as he swung his hips with a rapid and driving rhythm. Yet that was exquisite because his baby girl was climaxing with passionate cries beneath him.
    Chapter Nine
    Chloe did not know how she could sit serenely across from Raven eating dinner when only a short time before they had been . . . Oh , every time she looked at him she felt his proprietorship, she felt her sensitive bottom, and she could not help but squirm in her seat with confusing, yet delicious feelings centering in her chest.
    She had liked it! And Raven knew. Telling her with each glance of his dark seductive eyes and the way he circled the edge of his crystal wine glass with the blunt end of his finger. Around and around like . . . Oh , she looked quickly down at her plate. She could not possibly eat.
    “Rosebud, come here.”
    Chloe looked at Raven as she crumpled the linen napkin between her hands resting in her lap. “I want to go to my room,” she murmured.
    “But . . . ,” Chloe huffed indignantly, “You told me I had free rein of your home.”
    “Free movement, baby girl, not rein,” he murmured. “Now come here.”
    Oh she did not like it when he called her baby girl in that seductive whiskey-burned rasping voice of his. It reminded her of a warm intimate endearment. And it reminded her about what he had done to her. Well actually, she thought, standing with a pout on her lips, it was what she had fully participated in too. If she were completely honest with herself, she would have to admit that somewhere along the way she had come to crave Raven’s domination of her. Did she really want to be Raven’s complete sexual slave or was this some type of kidnapping madness come over her? The answer was lost because she had reached Raven’s side and he startled her thoughts away by pulling her onto his lap.
    “Now, my love, you need to eat.”
    My love? Chloe

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