My Lady Enslaved

Free My Lady Enslaved by Shirl Anders

Book: My Lady Enslaved by Shirl Anders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirl Anders
Tags: Romance
pleasure itched down the back of her thighs and whorled tight with one hard inner pump deep into her sex. Chloe clutched the cushions above her head as Raven prodded her with his tongue again, clamping his hands above the back hollows of her knees.
    “Crawl up onto the arm,” he uttered with a raspy command. Yet without waiting, he lifted her up until her knees caught the edges of the armrest and instinctively for any type of balance she came up on her straightly locked arms with her hands braced on the bottom settee cushion.
    “That’s it, baby girl,” he rasped, and then his tongue was lower, inside her sex so hot that she squirmed and spread her knees brazenly wider.
    The position Raven held her in was entirely submissive and completely exposed as his tongue alternated, licking deep into the pillowed folds of her pussy, and then back to slide in circles around her rear entrance. She had never felt such hot passion in her life! Mewls and whimpers of intense pleasure escaped her throat involuntarily and she heard Raven chuckle in satisfaction.
    He clasped the front of her thighs pulling her to him riding her bottom higher and seating his face between as his tongue lapped her sex in devouring aggressive motions. His hungry licking rocked her back and forth with a mating motion as her knees spread further to his invasion.
    Her body was begging him now. She was begging him now to use his tongue harder and faster over her clitoris from behind. “Please make me come, Raven! Please make me come,” she begged shameless, tilting her pelvis downward so her sex lips spread open more to his tonguing. And then she felt one of his fingers, slick with her own juices, prod her rear opening. He penetrated her up to his cuticle and she screamed in pleasure as she climaxed with a rippling tremor “ Oh yes , Raven! Yes!” she cried.
    “More,” he rasped sharply and he grasped the front of her thighs tugging her back onto his tongue again.
    “Oh! Oh hh!” she squealed as his tongue prodded deep into her trembling sex and he nibbled on her still convulsing clitoris. “Ooooo!” she squealed again. She was mindless with the pleasure he wrought over her, until his finger entered her rear opening again and she screamed with a shockingly hard and blinding climax!
    She might have fainted, she was unsure and the next moment she realized that she was still bent over the arm of the settee with her feet now on the floor and her belly curved over the armrest. She could not move she was so languid as she felt a creamy lush sensation stroking inside her bottom.
    “Oo,” she breathed softly. It was Raven’s finger stroking into her rear canal. It did not hurt. It felt-it felt . . .
    “Now two,” Raven murmured.
    Chloe felt her shy inner walls stretching beneath the slow pressure and she wondered at the creamy substance lubricating her. A low passionate burn began simmering in her sex again as Raven circled his fingers deeper and deeper into her shivering bottom. Then she felt him bend over her, bringing his mouth to her ear. “You were made for this, Rosebud,” he murmured as he warmly kissed and nibbled her ear. “You were made for me,” he finished in a whisper.
    “Yes,” she breathed softly . . . completely his.
    Harrison circled Rosebud’s tight canal one more time with his two fingers, liberally smearing the oily lubrication he had brought downstairs precisely for this occasion. He would take Rosebud’s deliciously tight ass, but he had no wish to hurt her. This was a hedonistic fantasy of his that he meant to fulfill completely and fully with Rosebud. It would be a first for both of them, an inspiring virgin adventure. And just as he knew no man had delved into Rosebud’s virgin ass before, he also perceived that she was going to enjoy it. Now that he had her so languid and relaxed that she forgot to be frightened. He could feel her undulations of pleasure as he explored and stretched the snugly fashioned sheath in her tight

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