Everyday Calm: Relaxing Rituals for Busy People
    For the advanced commuter: Try smiling and waving to nearby motorists.

Chair Karma
    Tension can rise as you race toward work on the train or bus. One way to step out of the morning commuter funk is by performing a random act of giving. When you see someone in need, rise to the occasion and offer your seat. Don’t take no for an answer. Notice the rush of good feeling that comes upon you. Don’t be shy as fellow commuters shower you with good vibrations and warm wishes.

    A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world

refreshing midday

    Take a break and feel renewed.
Two-Minute Midday Calm
    If you find yourself lacking calmness and clarity, take a two-minute break to de-stress. Stop what you’re doing, turn the phones off, and sit quietly. For two minutes you will do nothing but breathe and relax. Your mind will be chattering, but tell it to be quiet. Keep returning to your deep, relaxing breaths. Each time you get caught in busy thoughts, return to your breathing. Your muscles may feel tight, so let the breathing help relax your body. When the two minutes are complete, notice your state. As you return to your day, go slowly and use this calm that you found as a tool for efficiency. You may get sudden realizations or remember forgotten appointments; take time to write them down. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, try this quick fix; don’t forget how easy it is to feel so good.

Revolving-Door Policy
    Time-tested etiquette will never be out of style, and being a gentleman or gentlewoman will get you everywhere. Next time you find yourself in front of a doorway, open it and let oncoming traffic through. Opening a door for another person is one simple way to offer support. (To become a master door opener, pay attention to bellmen at fancy hotels.) Just follow these easy steps:
    1. Announce “After you” to those passing by.
    2. Open the door wide, step back, and remember to smile.
    3. Look back and see if anyone else may need your service.
    The twinkling eyes of gratitude will be ample repayment. While you may have made someone else’s day, you have also undoubtedly improved yours!

Picnic Paradise
    Add some green to your day! You can wash your troubles away by simply immersing yourself in a park. Take a walk or just sit for a while. Staring at lush greenery can ease eyestrain from computer monitors and fluorescent lights and help provide a sense of general well-being. A nap in a park can be deeply resuscitating. Arrange a healthful picnic snack for your lunch hour. Surprise a workmate or friend for lunch with a twist. Be patient and let nature do its thing. Treat yourself to simple pleasures. A calm and peaceful break will alter your day for the better.

Tropical Urban Oasis
    Slip out of your day and have a tropical fruit juice fix. When you are squeezed for time, juice shops offer a meal in a cup and an upbeat atmosphere. Add all the extras for a much-needed energy boost. For smoothies, ask for real yogurt rather than frozen yogurt. If you are feeling adventurous, order one or two shots of wheatgrass juice. As a chaser, order a carrot-and-orange-juice mix. Make sure you sit down for this one, as you may feel a slight body jolt. Wheatgrass packs a punch with a megadose of vitamin C and a long list of nutrients to help detoxify and recharge the body.

Cyber Café Holiday
    Ready to transport yourself into a dream virtual vacation? Take time out from a busy day of shopping or errands. Armed with a drink and a snack, book a trip into cyberspace on an imaginary holiday.
    1. Sit down and search for your dream destinations—perhaps Thailand, Maui, or Paris.
    2. As each site downloads, drop your head and feel your neck relax. Slowly roll your head in circles.
    3. Now let the Web site transport you to Hawaii or your own idea of paradise.
    If your fingers are tight from tapping the keys, squeeze them into a firm animal claw. Then make fists and roll your hands in wide circles, both

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