Archer's Sin
crowd in response. In a shaking voice, he continued. “Nalica Kelden outshot me tonight. I didn’t earn this win, and as an honest competitor, I must decline.” He turned to the imperial couple to acknowledge them. “Your Imperial Majesties, thank you for this opportunity to compete.”
    Captain Felix looked stunned.
    Justien glanced at the restless crowd. He couldn’t stay here under all this scrutiny. He’d said his piece. If the judges were decent men, they would now reconsider their choice and give the prize to Nalica. He extricated his wrist from Captain Felix’s grasp and descended from the platform back to the archery field.
    Captain Felix addressed the crowd. “Since our winner declines the prize, the judges will confer and select a new winner.”
    The other archers brightened at this news, especially Caellus, since he’d shot better than most. The crowd continued to murmur as the three judges moved back from the stage and into a huddle. Justien remained on the field, shifting nervously from foot to foot. Where had Nalica gone? He hoped that if the judges did the right thing and gave her the prize, she could be found quickly.
    The judges then separated, having finished their conference.
    Captain Felix approached the railing to address the crowd once again. “Citizens, I would like to announce this year’s winner of the archery competition and the newest member of the Riat City Guard: Caellus Atilian. Caellus, please ascend the stage to accept your prize.”
    Caellus yelped with joy and ran up the stairs. Justien watched with a sinking heart as Caellus and Felix clasped wrists. There was nothing more he could do. He’d given the judges a second opportunity to do the right thing, and they would not do it. They would never do it. Feeling as wrung-out as an old towel, he walked away.
    Justien usually didn’t worry about walking around the city of Riat at night. The imperial city was well policed and well lit. It didn’t have a serious crime problem, and anyway he was a war mage. A common thug who tried to make a target of him would regret his foolishness. And yet Justien could not shake the feeling that he was being followed.
    Footsteps echoed his own. He knew better than to stop short and make it obvious that he heard the other man, but when he slowed down, he could tell that the person following him took a moment to catch on before matching his speed. He sped up a little, and after a brief delay, the footsteps matched his speed once more.
    Why would someone follow him? When Nalica had spotted that man in the brown syrtos who’d appeared to be following them at the festival, he hadn’t taken the situation seriously. He was a war mage; it was impossible for an enemy to take him by surprise. But now he worried. Whoever was following him probably knew what he was. After all, he’d just come from the archery tournament. If this person knew what he was and was tracking him anyway, he might have the resources, or the numbers, to deal with Justien’s abilities.
    Justien kept to the main streets, avoiding alleyways. Even at night, it should be hard for someone to attack him in a public space. None of the moons were up yet, but light glows mounted on posts kept the streets reasonably bright. He moved from one circle of light to another, listening. Up ahead, patrons from a crowded all-night tavern spilled out into the street, singing and talking. He couldn’t let his tail follow him all the way to Nalica’s inn; that would put her in danger. He had to put an end to this, the sooner the better.
    He stopped and turned on his heel. “Who’s there?” he called. “I hear you following me.” He scanned the streets, each darkened storefront, each alleyway. He could see no one.
    A breeze from the harbor tickled his arms. He heard nothing. No footsteps, no anything. “What do you want?” he called again.
    Several of the tavern-goers stopped to watch.
    He turned and continued walking. This time he

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