Wild Nevada Ride

Free Wild Nevada Ride by Sandy Sullivan

Book: Wild Nevada Ride by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Adult, Western
roaring over her senses like the wind whipping over the desert floor during a sandstorm. She arched her back and screamed his name as cum flooded over his tongue. He continued to lap at her pussy until she stopped trembling before leaning over her again and sliding inside to the root of his cock.
    She lifted her hips and the sound of flesh against flesh reverberated through the bathroom. He lapped at her breast while his hips rocked, bringing them both closer to the edge of the abyss. When the wave hit her again, she tossed her head as he grunted and spilled his seed deep within her.
    His head rested on her shoulder until their breathing slowed. She stroked the back of his head, winding her fingers in the short curls at the nape of his neck.
    Lifting his gaze to hers, the look in his eyes made her heart trip over itself as it slammed against her ribs. A slow smile rippled over his lips while his fingers slid down her cheek.
    “Afternoon delight,” he murmured before he took her lips in a heart-stopping kiss before his cock slipped from her warmth. He took her hand in his and slid back into the bubble bath, bringing her with him. Resting with the rim of the tub against his back, he pulled her so she lay over him, breast to chest and cradled between his thighs.
    She gave into her feelings and laid her head on his shoulder, inhaling the musky smell of his skin. His fingers caressed her arm from shoulder to elbow, whispering along her skin so soft it felt like silk along her flesh.
    “So why are you off so early? Aren’t you usually at the base until later in the day?”
    “I screwed up on our training mission today. The colonel chewed me a new asshole and told me I needed a break. I managed to get some leave approved on short notice.” She lifted her shoulders in a shrug as her fingers continued to stroke the hair under her hand.
    “You have some extra time off?”
    “Yeah—two weeks.”
    “I was thinking.”
    She lifted her head and met his gaze with a questioning one of her own. “Of?”
    “How much I want to see if I can get you to scream my name again.”
    His hand found her breast, stroking the nipple with his fingers and a moan bubbled in her throat. Man, he can turn me on with little more than a look, much less a touch. “Are you always this insatiable?” she whispered before the moan slipped from between her lips.
    “Only since I met you. I could fuck you over and over and never get enough.”
    “I bet you’ve said the same thing to every woman you’ve been with.”
    “Nope.” His lips brushed hers. “What do you say we dry off,” he began, shifting slightly and finding her ear with his tongue, “and spend the rest of the afternoon in your bed?”
    “Mmm.” She tipped her head when he nibbled her neck. “If you keep doing that, you might just convince me it would be a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.”
    He quickly stood up, his eyes turning darker while the bubbles slid down her torso and his gaze followed them. The dimples in his cheeks peeked out when he reached over, grabbed a big fluffy towel from the rack and started to dry her off.
    They stepped out of the tub onto the wet floor and he mumbled, “Sorry. I’ll help you clean it up—much later, though.”
    He quickly finished drying her off and himself before he bent down and swung her up in his arms. She squealed, “Put me down, Justin.”
    “Your room?”
    “That way,” she said, pointing to her left with a girlish giggle.

Chapter Nine

    Standing in the kitchen at the stove, she slowly stirred the sauce in the pot. Her thoughts strayed to the afternoon she had spent in Justin’s arms, and she sighed before she let a small smile drift across her lips.
    “What is the wicked little smile for?” Justin asked, slipping his hands around her waist and drawing her back against his chest. His lips nuzzled her neck while his fingers drifted to the underside of her breast.
    Laying the spoon aside, she turned

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