Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2)

Free Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2) by Lila Rose

Book: Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2) by Lila Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Rose
assertive knock on the front door. With the noise going on in the kitchen, I knew no one would have heard it. I bit my bottom lip, contemplating whether to answer it or not. It wasn't my place to answer the door. I should've gone and got someone, but another knock came, that one louder and impatient.
    Nothing bad could happen with opening the door...right?
    Walking to it, I reached out and unlocked the deadbolt with a shaky hand. Then slowly, I opened it a little. My eyes widened, a scream came out of me before I could catch it and I quickly slammed the door closed again, resting my back against it, my chest heaving.
    There was a man.
    A good-looking man.
    But the scowl upon his face could cut anyone down, and I didn't want to be in the path of it. I shouldn't have opened the door.
    Footsteps pounded down the hall. Dodge was first. I saw no one else but him and the panicked look upon his face. His eyes grazed over me before he asked, "Willow?"
    "Dodge, open the motherfuckin' door, right the fuck now," the scary man bellowed from outside.
    "Honey, language," was snapped by a female voice seconds later.
    Dodge smirked. He actually smirked and then it turned into a wide grin and then...then he laughed, while others joined in with him. Josie came to me first, her arm wound around my waist. She moved me from the front door to the couch while Dodge went to the door with a smile lighting his face and opened it wide. That sexy smile—one I’d hopefully have a naughty dream about—reassured me everything was okay. The scary man didn’t mean harm.
    "Yo, boss, looks like you not only scare us, but the females, as well." Dodge stepped aside and the scowling man stepped in, followed by a beautiful pregnant woman with warm eyes, a wide smile and a head full of wild, dark hair.
    My eyes quickly went back to the man Dodge called boss. He glared and growled, "I ain't gonna hurt you."
    "I promise he won't. He's a big teddy bear under all that." The pregnant woman gestured with her hand over the man's body.
    "Kitten," he growled to the woman.
    "Oh, quit it." She came forward, her hand outstretched. I slowly took it. "Hi, I'm Zara and that's Talon, the president of all of the Hawks charters."
    He...yes, I could understand why he was president.
    "W-Willow," I uttered.
    Zara smiled, winked then turned to Josie. "Sister, give me some loving." She stood tall, arms wide and Josie, with a sweet, kind smile, stood up from next to me and embraced her...sister?
    Josie pulled back, her hand resting on Zara's belly, and then asked, "Where are my nieces and nephews?"
    Zara smiled sadly. "With Mum." They sighed together. "We popped in because Talon wanted to talk to Memphis and Dodge."
    I looked around her to see Dodge had disappeared with Talon.
    "There's my baby!" was yelled. I jumped, stood, took a few steps back when I saw a man in his late thirties run across the floor only to stop at Zara, who rolled her eyes. He fell to his knees in front of her. His hands went to her melon belly. "How's my little pea? Nice and warm in there? Your daddy is just here, sweet'ums, no need to worry."
    What. The. Hedge?
    He was the daddy?
    And scary man let that happen to his woman?
    A new man appeared who looked similar to Zara. He came up, laid a hand on the man's shoulder who was still on his knees, and said to me, "Hi, I'm Matthew, Zara's brother. And the crazy one is Julian, my—"
    "Fiancé," Julian supplied and then bounded up and over to me. "Aren't you just golly-gosh-gorgeous. I love the relaxed look in Dodge's clothes, like you just got out of bed. Looks good on you."
    "Julian—" Josie started.
    "Are you Dodge's woman?" He laughed. "Oh, I guess you are, being in his clothes and all. Don't worry about us, we'll head off soon so you can get back to your man...hey, why are your feet like—"
    "Julian," Josie snapped.
    "H-how are you still alive?" I stupidly asked without thinking.
    His head jerked back. "What do you mean?"

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