One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me

Free One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me by Olivia Cunning

Book: One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me by Olivia Cunning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Cunning
Tags: Erótica, Romance, music
beg him to fill her. Wanted to leave her wanting, even if he was left wanting too. Even if denying them meant the death of him.
    He cupped one breast in his palm and tugged at its hardened peak through her clothes until she gasped. He bent his knees to rub himself against her ass and so he could draw his hand up her bare thigh beneath her loose skirt. His fingers sought the slick, warm flesh between her thighs, sliding beneath the elastic of her panties and finding her wet already. He smiled at her willingness and used his face to brush her hair aside so he could suckle on the pulse point beneath her ear as his fingers massaged her clit, then dipped into her pussy, and then teased her clit again.
    She rubbed her ass against his stiff cock, making it difficult for him to remember that he couldn’t have her. Not yet. And when she began to whisper his name between her moans of pleasure, it took every shred of his willpower not to yank his cock out and fill the silken passage his fingers repeatedly explored. Her body shuddered as her pleasure intensified, and her pussy tightened around his fingers as she struggled to find release. He slid his hand from beneath her skirt and took her jaw between his thumb and ring finger. He touched his index and middle finger to her parted lips. They were slick with her juices.
    “Lick them,” he growled in her ear. “Suck them clean.”
    She didn’t hesitate to obey. His cock pulsed with excitement as she licked and sucked his fingertips.
    “Good,” he murmured. “You keep doing as I ask and you’ll eventually get what you want.”
    He gave her breast a squeeze and then stepped away. His stomach was in knots, his balls felt full and heavy, his cock ached with need. But the discomfort of waiting would be worth it later. He knew she wouldn’t disappoint him.
    “What the hell, Adam?” she said as he headed for the exit.
    “I’m going to go talk to Dawn now,” he said. “Before the show starts.”
    “You’re just going to leave me all hot and bothered?”
    He grinned. “Yep.”
    “It isn’t nice to tease,” she said with a pout.
    His grin widened. “I think you’ll be screaming a different tune tomorrow night.”
    He winked at her and trotted down the bus steps in search of Kellen’s new flame.
    He found her seated beside the band’s ever-shirtless rhythm guitarist on a sofa in the dressing room backstage. Kellen had a hand on her knee and was whispering something in her ear that made her grin.
    Adam sat beside her on the sofa and ignored Kellen’s affronted stare. It wasn’t like Adam had come to steal her away. He just wanted to pick her brain for a few minutes.
    “How did you get past your writer’s block?” Adam asked. He didn’t have time for small talk. He wanted to play with Madison some more before the show. He would have waited to talk to the slender composer—who he just noticed had a lot of adorable freckles—but knowing the staying power of his bandmates’ romantic flings, he doubted he’d have another chance to talk to the woman before Kellen scared her away.
    Dawn’s face flushed bright red. “Um, well, I uh . . .”
    Adam didn’t take her for a woman who had a difficult time expressing herself, so her stammering baffled him. Adam’s gaze shifted to Kellen, who was grinning so wide, his face was liable to split in half.
    “She was inspired,” Kellen said.
    Was Kellen bragging? Adam snorted at his friend’s obvious immodest pride.
    “By your dick?” Adam guessed.
    “Uh,” Dawn gasped. “No, his dick came later.”
    Kellen laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Not that much later.”
    “Stop,” she said, slapping Kellen’s thigh. “You make it sound so tawdry, and it was beautiful.”
    She turned her head to look at Adam. “I was inspired by his passion.”
    Adam peered around her to appraise Kellen closely. “Whelp,” he said, pushing off his thighs as he rose from the sofa. “That’s out.”
    Dawn grabbed Adam’s

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