Tell Me No Secrets

Free Tell Me No Secrets by Michelle-Nikki

Book: Tell Me No Secrets by Michelle-Nikki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle-Nikki
It seemed as if I put on a show no matter where I was or who I was with.
    â€œWhy don’t you have a seat so we can talk like adults—”
    She laughed at my candor. “Adults? Talk? What do we have to talk about? I just wanted to see the fat bitch that thought she could screw my husband and get away with it.”
    â€œLook, I didn’t even know—”
    â€œDon’t even try me with that, ‘I didn’t know he was married’ crap. There were plenty of times that we were on the phone together and I could hear you in the background asking who I was. I know it was you because you have that same squeaky ass voice and I know my husband; he would have told you about me, if you would have asked.”
    She was annoying the hell out of me and I was surprised by my own anger. It wasn’t like me to encourage any type of confrontation, but she was pushing my buttons.
    â€œI told you, I didn’t know he was married. If you know him so well, then why didn’t he tell me he had a wife? Not one time did he mention you,” I snapped.
    â€œTo not know he was married means you are not only a slut, but a stupid one! I don’t know what you think is going to happen, or what you want to happen, but it’s over. Aric doesn’t want you. I’m Mrs. McHale and I will always be!”
    Why was it that every woman that fixed her mouth to call me stupid turned out to be the stupid one? She’s the one who had no idea her husband was cheating on her, but I was the stupid one? I was in his house, the house that I am sure she was at with him and there was not one article of anything there that even remotely resembled him having a wife. I was not about to sit there and allow her to get me any more worked up than I already was.
    â€œOkay, it’s obvious that Aric has lied to the both of us. So it’s not either one of our faults that we find ourselves here, but he’s the one you need to be talking to, not me.”
    â€œI’ve talked to my husband. Trust me on that, but now I want to talk to the little girl who’s gone and gotten herself pregnant by my husband. Baby or no baby, he will never leave me. You were just one of the many women he slept with. No matter how many times he’s done it, he always comes back to me, back home! You were just a piece of pussy and from what I’m hearing an easy piece of pussy at that. Stop calling my husband. Leave him alone. And, let me tell you, your arms aren’t long enough to box with me. Try me, and I will take that little bastard you’re pregnant with. Me and my husband will be raising the baby you carry. My arms reach a long way, Chyanne. I’m not the one you want to go to battle with.”
    Now she had gone too far. Her making a threat to my child was more than I was willing to take. If I wasn’t afraid of getting arrested, I would have dropped her where she stood. My eyes started to water I wanted to lay hands on her so badly. From that second she had crossed the line. I had no clue as to what Aric had been telling her, but she’d started barking up the wrong tree. I stood so I could prepare to leave. The waitress had placed the check on the table and quickly disappeared. I felt as if everybody was watching the scene unfolding, waiting to see what would happen next. I quickly looked around to see if I could spot Jaime and caught the glances of people who were watching me. Some looked as if they were just waiting for the fists to fly, while others looked at me with derision. Of course, I was the bad guy.
    â€œNo, you sit,” she said as she pushed me back down in the chair. “I’m not done talking to you yet.
    I was too in shock to react right away, more so because I fell back hard and I felt a jolt in my stomach. My hands quickly went to my stomach. As I was about to jump back up and lay her out, Jamie’s hand on my shoulder stopped me. I was shocked when Stephanie tried to slap me

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