Temptations of Anna Jacobs

Free Temptations of Anna Jacobs by Robyn DeHart

Book: Temptations of Anna Jacobs by Robyn DeHart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn DeHart
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance, Victorian
murder victim before.”
    “I hadn’t either. It’s not pretty; I won’t lie. It’s gruesome, though she has been cleaned up since we found her on the street. Aside from the injuries, I don’t think it’s much different than the bodies you work on at school,” he said.
    She nodded again and clutched her cloak tighter around her. “Must we break into the morgue?”
    “Yes, but I shall take all of the blame should we get caught. Although I can assure you we won’t.” He gave her a grin. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to slip through a locked door.”
    “It is a miracle you had not been in prison before my brother arrested you.”
    “Perhaps.” Their rig stopped and Drew assisted her down to the street. She smelled exotic and clean, like oranges and cloves. She was so rich in contradictions. The genteel lady doctor who smelled of foreign lands and spices. Suddenly he wanted to bury his face in the soft skin of her neck and really allow the scent to assail his senses.
    But he wasn’t supposed to want her, let alone touch her. She was a lady. There were rules about that sort of thing. And even though he wasn’t one to follow rules, he knew these rules, if broken, came with stiff consequences. Like a special license and a quick marriage.
    He desired Anna; he couldn’t deny that. He could even go so far as to admit that he wanted her more than he had ever wanted any other woman. Something in her called out to him and his body answered with a need to touch her. Somehow he knew that she could chase away the shadows that dogged him.
    But doing so would demand they marry, and he simply wasn’t the marrying type. He needed to focus on the task at hand.
    They crept in the darkness through the damp grass to the side entrance of the Metropolitan Police building. “I cannot believe you convinced me to do something criminal,” she said. Then she smiled. “In truth, I can’t even say I mind all that much.”
    The large red and white brick building rose up from the bank of the Thames like a great dark shadow looming over London and promising it protection. Yet the world’s worst killer still roamed the streets, free to take whichever life he saw fit.
    “Perhaps I should not have admitted that,” she said. “Don’t go assuming my admission means you may now teach me to steal.”
    “That’s disappointing, as I had all manner of plans to teach you nefarious and illegal skills.”
    She eyed him as they reached the door.
    Before he retrieved his tools to unlock the door, he put his hand over his heart. “I promise.”
    “It is not necessary to mock me,” she said.
    He flashed her a smile. “My apologies.” He said the words right as the lock released, and he shoved the door open. He held it for her and then closed it once they were both inside.
    “It’s so dark,” Anna said. She blew out her breath and the wisps of curled hair at her ears fluttered. “I do have a talent for stating the obvious.”
    He chuckled. “I brought a lantern, but I’d prefer not to use it until we’re in the room with the body. Here where there are windows we could alert people to our presence. Do you think you can make it through without the added light?”
    She nodded. “Yes, of course.” It made perfect sense. She took a shuddering breath. She didn’t know why she was so bloody nervous. Normally she wasn’t one to swear, but she certainly wasn’t accustomed to ignoring the law in such a flagrant fashion. Not only that, but she was about to examine a murdered woman’s body. Anna’s blood chilled and she shook off a shiver.
    Both of those were enough to create a certain amount of nerve-rattling. But Anna couldn’t deny that Drew also played a role in her nervousness. It was bothersome. She had intended not to like Drew Foster in the least, yet she found him quite amiable, not to mention attractive.
    He reached down between them and grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. “I’ll lead the way,” he said.

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