Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes #2)

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Book: Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes #2) by Jen Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Andrews
helped. I was excited to see him later tonight, but didn’t even care that it was going to be over a computer screen. I could see his beautiful face while we talked and I wouldn’t need to guess what he was feeling, like I did over the phone.
    “Earth to Zoey. Zoooey,” Jess whined. “Snap out of it.”
    I blinked a few times, bringing myself back to the present. On the bar in front of me sat two shots of tequila that were not there before. “Sorry, I’m good. Just got lost in thought for a sec.”
    My best friends laughed as the bartender set their tequila shots down in front of them. “So we noticed. Bottoms up, bitches,” Sasha quipped. We each downed our shots then squeezed limes between our teeth to ease the burn of the tequila. Yum, I needed that.
    We were hungry, so we decided to order an appetizer off the menu. No one could decide on just one appetizer, they all sounded so delicious, so we ordered several.
    As we ate, my mind kept trailing back to Andy and everything that happened over the last few days. I wanted him to understand the way I was feeling earlier on the boat. It was our ‘thing’ to send each other songs to listen to ever since my birthday so I sent him a text.
Listen to “Run” by S.P. when you get a chance. Can’t wait to see you later.
    We finished our lunch and hit the pavement again to shop. I bought a cute pair of sandals and a dress to wear when we went out to the club on Friday night.
    Later on in the day, my phone pinged with a text from Andy.
I’m off work now, listening to the song. I want you to listen to “I Miss You” by Incubus. James says hi. Gonna hit the shower in a few minutes. Can’t wait to see you later, too, Beautiful.
    I smiled and couldn’t stop myself from imagining him naked, glistening with droplets of water, soap cascading over his tattoos down his gorgeous body. I quickly fired off another text to him.
Thanks. Now I’m going to have to live with that visual the rest of the day.
    We were on our way home when my cell pinged with another text from Andy.
    It was a picture. Holy fucking shit.
    He was naked in the shower, holding his cell high up over his head from an angle. He was looking into the camera, smiling that devious, smoldering grin of his. Fuck me.
    The photo was so small all I could see was down the arm holding the camera, his back, and a tiny bit of the slight roundness of his sexy, muscular ass.
    “Holy shit, he’s trying to kill me,” I muttered, feeling heat creep up my neck and into my cheeks.
    Sasha snatched the phone from my hand and looked at the picture. “You are one lucky bitch, Zoey Lynn James. Does the man even have any tan lines?” She tilted the phone sideways to get a better look then passed the phone to Jess, who blushed when she saw the picture.
    Nope, there was not one tan line anywhere on his perfect body. He was naturally golden and gorgeous. Sasha was right. I was one lucky bitch. I wrestled my phone back from Sasha, who had a death grip on it, ogling Andy again. Not that I blamed her of course, he was magnificent naked. I responded to his text.
The girls think you’re hot, TTYL.
    We made it home and relaxed on the patio with my aunt and uncle, who were home from work for the day. I called my mom to let her know how the trip was going so far.
    “Is our Andy okay, Zoey?” my mom asked as we chatted about work.
    “I think so. Why?”
    She took a breath before responding. “Mija, he’s been a little out of it at work. Today, after he took a break, he came back and was back to normal. I was worried about him.”
    Ah, he’d talked to me on his morning break then went back to work. I wasn’t happy he was ‘out of it’ at work though. That is too dangerous in a place like the shop, when you have cars weighing several thousand pounds over your head on car lifts, and handling high-powered tools.
    Not good. I would need to talk to him about it, not because I was worried about the shop’s liability if something happened,

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