Play Fling (A Stupid Cupid Book)
someone like you.”
    He shrugged one shoulder but she could see
she’d gotten to him.
    “Maybe she’s been keeping you secret.
Everybody has secrets, I suppose, though.” Her favorite line from
back in the day. Men had been a cinch as Kiki. She tilted her head
and drew closer. “Don’t you?”
    Maybe the wrong line or the wrong guy.
Elliott narrowed his gaze on her, suspicion bright. That line had
brought millionaires—married, single, even gay—to their knees.
Elliott only walked past her and she didn’t have to see to know
that Jason—if he could make it any worse—backed out of the way. He
actually moved out of Elliott’s way! It didn’t take a body language
expert to tell her Jason’s spark for his former flame had just been
snuffed out.
    Millie suppressed a scream. She should have
brought AJ. One chemically enhanced concoction from AJ in the right
direction and lust would ooze into Jason’s every pore. Smack into
Brooke. He’d be cock-blocking anything testosterone within a twenty
foot radius. That’s what Millie got for determining she could
handle this on her own. For thinking her over-dependency on him was
the reason none of these stupid bracelets had fallen off.
    Nothing else to do. She couldn’t risk
attempting a potion of her own. Not after Tucson. Millie moved
after Elliott. Some man barreled past and knocked Millie off her
feet. With a small shriek, she landed smack onto her ass.
    “Oh, no!” The man stopped, horror contorting
his features as he bent to help her up, unaware of her three
companions now peering over his shoulder. “Are you alright? I’m so
sorry. I didn’t see you. I swear, I’m like a bull in a china shop
    “I’m fine,” Millie gritted out, accepting his
outstretched hand.
    He helped her up, his eyes begging for
reassurance. She wasn’t about to give it. Scurry along now, shop
away, or whatever men did in a mall. He wasn’t tall but he
could stock a shipyard with those shoulders. No wonder she’d landed
on her butt.
    “Are you alright, Millie?” Brooke sounded
relieved but also distracted. Not good. The reason for her
distraction peered down, right next to Brooke.
    “I’m fine. Accidents happen. Right?” Millie
tried her coldest eyebrow arch. He just stood there, hands out like
she might fall again. “Thanks, but I’m alright. Goodbye now.”
    He nodded. But his body turned, followed
rather than walked.
    “Gordon,” Elliott said to him. “There you
    “Gordon?” Jason said as well.
    Mr. Clumsy smiled. “Jason. Hi.”
    Wait a minute. Jason knew this ox? Great.
Just flipping great. Another distraction to ruin sparks and magic
and all that mojo love junk.
    Millie’s mind raced. Jason knew the ox who
knew Elliott who knew Brooke. What the…? “You two know each other?”
Millie really needed AJ right now. If only she could snap her
fingers to have him appear. Getting Brooke to go through with
something like this was a one time shot. Millie wouldn’t get
    An awkward silence spread over the group. And
everyone seemed in on some secret. Some happy little secret that
had each of them fidgeting, shifting weight and avoiding eye
    “Yes,” said Jason, while Gordon nodded, while
Elliott glanced to Brooke, who was staring at him.
    What was going on here? Better yet, how did
she get in on it and back to her excellent plan?
    “Small world! How, exactly?” Millie said,
forcing a smile to her lips despite how thin it felt. She only
cared about Brooke’s answer, but at this point, anyone’s would
    “Jason is my realtor,” Gordon said but it
sounded like a question.
    “That’s right. I am.” Jason offered Gordon a
rather relieved smile.
    “And Gordon is my cousin,” Elliott said after
no one else spoke for a moment.
    “Really?” Jason asked and immediately shook
Elliott’s hand. “Great to meet you. I think I’ve heard all about
you. Elliott, is it?”
    “Yes.” Gordon and Elliott in

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