Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink)

Free Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink) by Desiree Holt

Book: Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink) by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
endurance, and she did her best to accommodate him. At last, she felt the pulsing of that huge cock inside her mouth, the sign that his orgasm was imminent.
    When he came, it was with forceful spurts that filled her mouth. She swallowed convulsively with each pump of his hips, each pulsation of his shaft, until she’d drawn the last drop from him and he eased himself from her grasp.
    “She’s a damn treasure,” Justin muttered to his brother. “How did we get so lucky?”
    “We won’t be unless we give her what we promised earlier. You know we always keep our word.”
    “Then let’s get to it.” Justin lifted her in his strong arms. “I’m definitely in the mood to show her how grateful we are.”
    Carrying her to the bed, he laid her down and loosened the buckskin binding her wrists. He rubbed her arms to ease the strain then pulled them over her head, retying the leather strips to the headboard. Tucker lay down beside her, one large hand smoothing over her skin and cupping each breast. Justin crawled up between her legs, spreading them wide and bending them at the knees so her feet were planted firmly on the mattress. With his thumbs, he peeled back the lips of her cunt, leaving her pussy completely open to his hungry gaze, and Angel knew she was dripping wet. Just the anticipation of what was about to happen made her throb with hunger.
    “Beautiful,” Justin breathed, staring at her exposed intimate flesh. “Don’t you agree, bro?”
    But Tucker could only mumble his answer as his mouth was closed around one hard, pebbled nipple. The bud was so tender from being clamped that even a slight suction sent arrows of heat through Angel’s body. He pulled on the chain again, increasing the pleasurable bite of pain and sucked harder.
    When Justin trailed a line with his tongue the length of her slit, Angel arched her hips off the bed. Already so aroused from having both brothers fuck her mouth, the slightest touch to any of her intimate areas was like setting a match to every nerve. And the Davis twins definitely knew what to do with their mouths, no doubt about it.
    As Tucker sucked and lightly grazed each nipple, his warm hand making soft circles on her tummy, Justin lapped every inch of her inner and outer pussy lips, stopping now and then to flick the tip of his tongue back and forth over her distended clit. Soon she forgot everything except the kaleidoscope of sensations rocketing through her body. And adding to it all was the thick dildo filling her ass, one more area of stimulation when her body was already being pushed to the limit.
    The moment Justin slid his stiffened tongue into her pussy and at the same time pinched her clit, her orgasm broke loose. The brothers drove her further and further into an erotic fog as they worked her through the spasms, wringing the last shudder from her, the last pulsation.
    At last she lay spent, limp, chest heaving as she dragged in air, heartbeat racing.
    “Rest, baby,” Justin murmured in her ear. “The evening’s just begun.”
    She was barely aware of Tucker easing the clamps from her body and rubbing soothing balm on the tormented tissues. Or of the soft kisses they showered everywhere on her body. Or the gentle strokes as they brought her down from her orgasmic high. She only knew she felt adored and coddled and whatever was going on she didn’t want it to end.

    Chapter Six
    Angel sat in the high cab of the dual Davis Feedlot pickup, Justin on her left behind the wheel, Tucker on her right, his arm draped casually across her shoulders. Sunlight kissed the pastures and rolling landscape of the Hill Country, creating beautiful images as they sped down the highway toward La Mirada. On any other occasion, she’d be mesmerized. But today butterflies danced an irregular rhythm in her stomach as they drew closer and closer to the small town.
    Six weeks had passed since their first night together at Rawhide. Six weeks of the most incredible sex

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