Healing Rain

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Book: Healing Rain by Karen-Anne Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Mystery
he removes the finely crafted Italian watch. “It’s made to withstand very rough handling, it’s double layered, anti-reflective, and water resistant.”
    “Raina, it’s really nice, I love it, but you shouldn’t have spent so much.”
    “Look on the back,” she shyly watches through her lashes as Kas turns the tough, luxury watch over.
    He studies the Italian words, Sei la mia vita, before looking at Raina questioningly for a translation.
    “You are my life,” she whispers.
    Kas pulls her into his arms, wrapping her lovingly, protectively, in his embrace, “And you are mine.” He holds her in his arms a moment, enjoying the feel of her against him, the warmth and sweet innocence of her, marveling in how much he loves this woman before finally letting her go. He goes to the hiding place he stashed her gift and returns with an impatient smile of his own. “Okay, your turn.”
    Raina smiles, her left eyebrow arching as she peeks at him shyly before opening the gift, revealing a delicate authentic Italian glass necklace, beautifully hued with the same vibrant colors of the vase he bought her on her birthday. “It’s so beautiful, I love it,” she exclaims, throwing her arms around his neck.
    Kas turns her around, sliding her soft auburn curls over her shoulder as he fastens her necklace. She turns back around to face him, the expression on her lovely face being too much, so he strips her of everything but the necklace, and they spend the rest of Christmas morning getting lost in each other.

    The small crack in the ceiling is exactly 2.3 centimeters in width and 37.4 centimeters long. It is accompanied by a dirty urine colored stain surrounding the flaking crack’s edges. Sometimes Chris can imagine patterns in the putrid stain, providing at least a few moments as a pitiful excuse of recreation in his 8 X 6 box. He sits up on his bottom bunk, staring blankly at the blandly painted brick wall in front of him. He hears the low humming of the convicted murderer two cells down, and he closes his eyes, the off-key hum somehow soothing him in this rancid place.
    A burly, arrogant guard raps his nightstick on the metal bars that Chris despises, keeping him locked in like some pathetic caged animal. “Got you a new friend, Sutton,” the guard’s taunting words bellow through his cell.
    Chris stands slowly as the overweight guard with a gland condition opens the door, pushing a cocky, young dark-haired man inside. The cell doors are locked again, mocking his right to freedom. He lazily looks at his new cellmate, taking his time to shake the hand extended to him.
    “I’m Ryan, Ryan Eldridge, but my friends call me Ry.”
    Chris nods his head apathetically before sliding a well-worn photo from underneath his pillow, his jaw tightening as he lies back down on his bottom bunk.
    Ryan ignores the unfriendly welcome, peeking down, letting out a low whistle at the beautiful auburn-haired woman in the photo. “Is that your girl?”
    Chris never takes his eyes off of the picture, “Yes, she’s mine,” he states possessively, caressing the captured face with his thumb.
    “You’re one lucky SOB to have a girl like that waiting on you when you get out.”
    Chris rolls over, holding the picture tightly as he silently tells his new cellmate that his attempt at a conversation is now over.

    Raina sips on her espresso as she stands out on the balcony, gazing down at the beauty in front of her. The snow left a light dusting, leaving the grape vines sparkling white in the morning sun. She takes in the stark vibrancy of the large red fruit against the snowy branches on the Japanese Perismmon trees. The early morning is so peaceful, and Raina closes her eyes, enjoying the tranquility.
    “Feel like doing some more exploring today?” Kas asks, wrapping his arms around her waist.
    “I would love to see some of the cathedrals and visit more of the small towns before we leave. What do you want to do?”
    Kas looks at

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