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Book: Unbreakable by S. E. Lund Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Lund
Tags: Unrestrained
embraced and clapped each other on the back with affection.
    “I’ll miss having you around to talk shop with, Drake. Don’t become a stranger.”
    We shook hands once more. “Never,” I said and I meant it.
    Then I left him in his office and made my way past the coffee room, popping my head inside to say goodbye to any of the residents who were taking a break. There was only one person in the room and I kicked myself mentally for stopping by.
    I pulled my head back, hoping to leave without saying anything, but she must have caught sight of me out of the corner of her eye.
    “Drake!” she called out. I stopped in my tracks, angry that my last experience of the hospital would be with her.
    She came up to me and looked at me playfully. “Were you really going to leave without saying anything?”
    I took in a deep breath, hoping for patience.
    “I have to go,” I said and pointed to my watch before turning to walk backwards down the hall, trying to get away from her. “I was just stopping off to wrap things up and say goodbye to Michael.” I shrugged helplessly. “Sorry. Gotta run.”
    I turned around and strode down the hallway, hoping against hope that she didn’t follow me, but my hopes were dashed.
    “I’m coming to the US to do a residency in neurosurgery,” she said, walking briskly beside me.
    “What?” I said, frowning. “You never said anything. I thought you were going to return to Johannesburg to do your residency next week. Where are you planning to study?”
    “I applied to a number of medical colleges for my residency. Johannesburg was only one of the options and I had several offers. I may accept a residency in Baltimore. Johns Hopkins. Your dad’s old stomping grounds?” she said with a laugh.
    I stopped abruptly. “Johns Hopkins?” I felt immediate relief that she wouldn’t be coming to NYU.
    “Why Johns Hopkins and not Johannesburg?” I said, trying to keep my voice under control. “I thought your family was there.”
    “How could I turn down a residency at Johns Hopkins. Besides, I have dual citizenship.”
    I sighed. “Good luck,” I said and forced a smile. “You’ll do well. You’re a talented surgeon.”
    “I am. Who knows? We might work together again since I plan on specializing in pediatric neurosurgery. We work well together.”
    I turned and began walking again, fighting to control my anger. “Nothing is ever going to happen between us, Sam. You have to understand that.”
    “Not everything’s about you, Drake,” she said as if indignant but I didn’t believe her for a moment. “I happen to want to live in the US.”
    I made it to the exit and stopped, not wanting her to follow me to my car. There were many people in the hospital and I didn’t want to give her any excuse to try to kiss me goodbye or hug me.
    I bit my tongue. “Goodbye, Sam,” I said and touched my forehead as if in salute. I turned and went through the exit, hoping she got the message and left me alone.
    At least she wasn’t following me.
     “No kiss goodbye?” she called from the door.
    “Not a chance,” I said without looking back.
    “See you later, Drake,” she called out when I reached my car, which was parked a few slots away. “Doctor Delish.”
    “Not if I can help it,” I muttered under my breath. I entered the BMW and slammed the door a little too hard. I turned on the engine and fastened my seatbelt. Then I sat for a moment with my hands gripping the wheel and took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm down.
    She’d be close but not too close.
    I drove off, checking in the rearview mirror only to see her standing in the doorway watching me. She actually waved goodbye.
    Did she really think I’d wave back?
    I shook my head and drove back home, determined not to let Sam ruin my peace of mind.
    When I arrived at the house, the movers had already begun to load boxes and furniture into the van. The house was beginning to look deserted, and a sense of sadness

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