
Free Unbreakable by S. E. Lund

Book: Unbreakable by S. E. Lund Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Lund
Tags: Unrestrained
him. I stood in the doorway and listened, for neither appeared to know I was there.
    “I hope you don’t regret it down the road when she realizes how bad being married to a surgeon really is,” Sam said, her voice petulant.
    “What happens between Kate and me is none of your business,” Drake said, his voice low and slow, like he was really trying to rein in his anger. “I won’t have to keep usual surgeon’s hours because I can take only the cases I really enjoy, so I won’t ever neglect our marriage. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he said and pushed past her. He saw me in the doorway and came right over to me and kissed me, pulling me into his arms.
    “There you are,” he said and pulled me out of the hallway and into the living room, our hands locked together. “I hope she gets a clue, but I doubt it.”
    “Did she ambush you when you were alone?” I said, surprised that she had the balls to do so. I glanced back to the kitchen door and she was standing there, her face dark.
    “Unfortunately. I went in to get some more ice and she followed me. I had to speak with her and she tried to warn me off marrying you once more. Can you even believe her nerve?”
    I shook my head. “No, I can’t.” I couldn’t, but people had surprised me. First, Dawn with her willingness to meddle in my life and Drake’s career. Then Kurt, hoping to break us up, then Sam and Claire…
    I held on tight to Drake’s hand and thanked my lucky stars he loved me as much as he did.
    Drake stifled a yawn later when we were standing in the living room with our cups of tea and coffee. He led me over to where Michael stood with a few students and extended a hand. “It’s time for us to go, but thanks so much for everything.”
    Michael took Drake’s hand in both of his huge meaty ones, those large hands that had shocked me with their size the first time I met Michael, and shook.
    “I’ll miss you, young man, more than you can know. You’ve done the hospital and college a great service and I’ll never forget it. Anytime you want to return, you are most welcome. There will always be OR time for you and a position on the faculty.”
    “I’ll see you on Monday when I come in to wrap things up,” Drake said softly and Michael nodded. They embraced and clapped each other on the back.
    I saw Claire standing off a few feet, her face sad. She came up once Michael ended the embrace, the painting in her hands. She set it down and held out her arms. I watched Drake to see what he would do, but like a true gentleman, he embraced her and kissed both her cheeks.
    “Claire,” he said softly. “Thanks for everything. And thanks for the painting. How very thoughtful of you.”
    She said nothing, as if she were fighting emotions.
    Michael embraced me next. “Thank you, Ms. Katherine, for coming with Drake and keeping him happy. I wish all the best for the two of you in your lives together as a married couple.”
    He kissed my cheeks and my eyes welled up. “Thank you,” I said.
    Drake turned to those who were still present and waved at them.
     “Thanks all of you and good luck in your studies and careers.” They responded in kind, murmurs of thank you , and best of luck from the group.
    Then he picked up the painting and we left.
    In the car on the way home, Drake took my hand as we drove through the darkened streets.
    “That went well,” he said and glanced at me. “Better than I hoped, with the exception of that bastard deVilliers showing up. I’m pissed that Claire invited him. She didn’t have to. I think she was rubbing it in.”
    “It did go well,” I said and squeezed his hand. “Sefton was like Claire’s knife in the back. I can’t believe she actually invited him, given what happened.”
    “I know,” Drake said, his brow creased. “I guess I was always so busy with work when I was here before that I never realized how manipulative she really is. I wonder if she didn’t push Sam and me together back when I was

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