Werewolf Me

Free Werewolf Me by Amarinda Jones

Book: Werewolf Me by Amarinda Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amarinda Jones
thought came to her. Oh why not ask? Had he not given her the promise that she could do anything? “Would you come in my ass?” Truro turned twelve shade of red just saying it. But she really wanted to feel him inside her.
    “Yes—but not now.”
    Truro turned and looked at him. She would have been lying if she didn’t say she wasn’t disappointed. She handed him the condom. “That’s okay. It was a dumb suggestion anyway.”
    “No, it’s not dumb at all and I want to take you every way you want me to.” His fingers moved fast to cover his cock with rubber. “But petal, I want it to be slow and perfect and the way I feel right now is explosive with need to fuck you.”
    “Really?” The idea that she had made him feel that way made Truro happy. He really wants me . No one had ever made her feel that way.
    “I need you now.” Murphy’s hand reached for hers. “Please.”
    Truro willingly took his hand. Murphy moved her quickly so once more so his cock was prodding her ass and she could see nothing but a wall. “Why am I always on my knees with you?” Not that it was a complaint as such. She was so wet and ready to be filled that Murphy could have done anything to her and she would have enjoyed it. Truro spread her legs and waited for his cock to slide inside the wet core of her.
    “Have patience, petal.”
    “I have no patience. Do it now.”
    Murphy chuckled at her words. “You’re so bossy.”
    “I am n—” Truro swallowed her words as his cock was inside her in one quick move. She closed her eyes and gave in to the super-heated flesh melding with hers. It was the best, most intense feeling. I love it. I love him. Uh-oh—to hell with it. I’ll worry about semantics later. “Y-oh—yes,” she moaned as his fingers found her clit began to play between her legs. Her eyes snapped open when one long finger started to push inside her anus. Truro’s fingers dug into the threadbare carpet and she was relying on his strong thighs to keep them from crashing to the floor.
    “Do you want me here?”
    Truro stiffened as his finger penetrated the tight ring of muscle. It felt tight and strange yet she wanted more. “Please, wolf man.”
    Murphy leaned in, his hot breath against her ear. “What do you want me to do, petal?”
    “Fuck my ass.” There was no need to use flowery words. They were both aware of what she craved. His finger moved in and out in time with his cock. It was the most powerful, delicious feeling. Truro panted softly trying to keep up with the pace. I do not want to miss a second.
    “You are so tight.”
    “You are so large.”
    “We are perfect together.” Murphy added a second finger into her ass.
    “Yes we are,” Truro choked the words out as she held onto the bedclothes as his thrusts became harder. The bed was rocking and the van probably was as well. It would not have taken a genius to work out what was going on. But then geniuses were few and far in the caravan park. The barbeque boys would probably think it was an earthquake or they had drunk too much. Either way it would be doubtful they would leave their barbeque to find out.
    “Terrible springs in this van, petal.” Murphy’s tongue licked over the flesh of her shoulder as his hips pummeled her ass in an effort to make them both come.
    “You can always stop moving, wolf man.” And I would burst into tears . Truro was so close to an explosive orgasm that stopping, while a tease, was not an option.
    “Okay.” Murphy slapped her ass and stilled both cock and fingers.
    “Not now.” If that sounded whiny, Truro didn’t care. She need fast, friction and hot cock.
    “Why not?” Murphy placed soft, sucking kisses along her jawline.
    Oh boy. The love thing shot back into her mind. “I want to come.”
    “With me?”
    “No, with the creepy man in van number thirteen.”
    Murphy pulled both cock and fingers almost from her body. “There will never be anyone else for you than me.”
    “That’s a pretty big call

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