Safe in His Arms
broken over them dried, and
    the pounding of their hearts had slowed to a steady regular rhythm. Russell‘s cock had
    slipped from Hank‘s ass, but he was too comfortable and spent to move.
    After a time, during which Russell thought perhaps Hank had fallen asleep, Hank
    said in a low voice, ―I was with a guy for a long time. All my life really, since I was
    eighteen. We broke up last month.‖
    Russell held Hank tighter in his arms. ―That‘s a long time to be with someone. You
    must miss him.‖
    Something changed in Hank‘s tone, his voice hardening. ―The bastard just walked
    out after all I‘ve done for him. Hooked up with this dipshit he works with.‖
    ―Out of the blue? You had no idea what was going on?‖
    ―Well, I…that is, we kind of had this bet and…‖ Hank trailed off and Russell knew
    there was a whole lot he wasn‘t saying. From the little he knew of Hank, he was willing
    to bet good money Hank was not exactly the innocent, injured party in whatever had
    gone down, but decided now wasn‘t the time to probe.
    Instead he let go of Hank and rolled onto his back, putting his arms behind his
    head. The summer sun was streaming through the large bay window. Russell sat up.
    ―Wow, I didn‘t realize it was so late. I meant to get to work early.‖
    Hank lifted himself on one elbow. ―You have tricks this early on a Sunday
    morning?‖ The sneer had returned to his voice.
    Russell stared at him, locking eyes until Hank looked away. ―No,‖ Russell said in a
    slow, even voice. ―I‘m apprenticing at a microbrewery. I‘m learning the business from
    the ground up. The sex work is just a way to earn a living.‖
    ―Oh.‖ Hank absorbed this for awhile. He studied Russell and then said, ―I don‘t get
    it. Why would you demean yourself by being a whore?‖
    Russell pursed his lips in irritation. ―Where the fuck do you get off, judging me?
    Have you forgotten how we met?‖ He waved his arm around the large bedroom. ―I
    don‘t know how you make your money, but most of us actually have to work for a
    living, my friend.‖ Russell swallowed and willed himself to relax. Rather than being
    defensive, he‘d try to reach Hank, to teach him something new.
    ―First off, let‘s get our terms straight. I don‘t like the word whore, and I‘d thank you
    not to use it again around me.‖
    ―But you sell that sexy ass to all kinds of men,‖ Hank retorted.
    Russell lunged playfully toward Hank, but the smack he delivered to Hank‘s bare
    ass made him yelp, as Russell had intended. They tussled for a few moments, with
    Hank trying unsuccessfully to catch Russell in a wrestling hold. He was strong and
    quick, but Russell had the advantage of weight and size.
    They were both laughing by the time Russell pinned Hank to the bed, but he wasn‘t
    ready quite yet to let the topic go. ―Let‘s get something straight, kiddo. I‘m a sex
    worker. I provide a service. I give comfort, pleasure and attention to men who are
    willing and happy to pay for it. In a lot of countries what I do is perfectly legal and
    there‘s nothing demeaning about it.‖ He gave a small laugh. ―Not to mention, you pay
    for sex on a regular basis. You‘re the one keeping the business you denigrate alive.‖
    Hank snorted but had the grace to look embarrassed. ―Guilty as charged.‖
    Russell swung his legs over the side of the bed. Hank stopped him with a hand on
    his arm. ―Please. Please don‘t go. I know I can be kind of a prick sometimes. It‘s my
    sense of humor but I guess it‘s not always so funny. I…I guess I‘m not used to being
    around someone who puts me in my place. You‘re not like anyone I‘ve known before. I
    mean anyone who would give me the time of day.‖ He barked a mirthless laugh.
    ―Look,‖ Hank continued. ―I guess I‘ve behaved like a jerk and I don‘t have a leg to
    stand on, but please… How about some breakfast at least? Pauline‘s Diner down the
    road delivers for me. It‘ll be

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