Full Circle

Free Full Circle by Lisa Marie Davis

Book: Full Circle by Lisa Marie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Marie Davis
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
been there and he was about to panic when a note on
    the edge of the bed caught his attention.

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    His name was written on the envelope and with
    trembling hands he ripped it open and pulled out the letter inside.
    First, I want you to know I love you. Please,
    don’t doubt that. I love you more than I can say,
    far more than you will ever really know, and it’s
    because I love you so much that I had to do this.
    I’m leaving tonight for a rehabilitation facility. I
    won’t tell you where. I don’t want you to know
    and I don’t want you to try to find me. I have a lot
    of healing ahead of me and there is a chance that
    I will never fully heal and I certainly can’t think
    about college or any of the plans we made in the
    condition I’m in now.
    I’m letting you go, Jaylin.
    If you want to hate me for this, I understand. I
    don’t blame you. But things are different now,
    and the truth is, I’m different.
    After what happened with Trent and Greg, I
    don’t think I will ever be the same, and there is a
    good chance the person you loved didn’t survive.
    Go to college and have your life and know I
    will never forget you. And please, don’t look for
    me or try and find me. I’m letting go and you have
    to do the same.
    I’ll never forget you.
    My love always, Max

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    He read the letter and then reread it twice more, trying
    to make it make sense, trying to understand how Max could
    do this to him. He loved him. And he knew for a fact that
    Max loved him. He knew what they shared was real, but Max
    was gone. He was gone and he didn’t want Jaylin to try to
    follow him or find him.
    He set me free? What the fuck? I don’t want to be fucking set free! I want Max.
    Unaware that he was crying, he felt his strength leave
    him and he sank slowly to the floor, letter still gripped in his hand. He couldn’t make himself believe this was real. He and Max had plans, plans to be together, plans for their future.
    And he wanted a future with Max. He wanted to build a life
    with him; nothing that had happened had changed his hopes
    and dreams and if Max still loved him, as he said he did,
    Jaylin knew they could make it work.
    It would be hard, certainly, and Max had a long road
    ahead of him, but Jaylin could travel it with him and help
    He just had to make Max realize that.
    He had to find him and make him realize that this
    wasn’t right—being apart wasn’t right—when it wasn’t what
    either of them really wanted.
    Sitting there, crying, despite the shock and the hurt,
    Jaylin could clearly see Chad Sydney’s devious fingerprints all over this mess.

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    He tricked Max. Lied to him and twisted things. He’s a
    manipulative bastard, but no way in hell will he get away with this shit! I will fight him. I’ll find Max and get him to open his eyes. I won’t allow the lies Chad spun to keep me and Max apart.
    Drawing in a breath, he stood, still holding the letter,
    heart still breaking, but he was bound and determined to
    make things right.
    He would find Max and get their relationship back on
    track and that alone would show Chad Sydney that he
    couldn’t control other people’s lives.
    He couldn’t control the future.
    Jaylin knew, in his heart and soul, that he and Max
    were meant to be and he had no doubt at all that Max felt
    the same.
    We’ll be fine. As soon as I find him and see him again, everything will be just fine and we can pick up the pieces and move on together.
    He and Max had true love on their side and no one
    could destroy that or hinder it for long.

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

Chapter Six
Seven Years Later

    CASTING a glance over his shoulder, inwardly sighing in
    relief to see the man he had left in bed was still sleeping soundly, Jaylin Ryan slipped from the bedroom and
    carefully, quietly, maneuvered through the unfamiliar
    At fifteen minutes after

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