Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf

Free Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf by Kat Page A

Book: Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf by Kat Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat
in his late twenties or early thirties. The younger of the two stopped in front of David, curiosity on his angular face.
    "Are all human women like yours?" His dark eyes glanced to Adele and back, curiosity written plainly in his expression as the other jits stood behind him, almost protectively.
    "Many human women are courageous, intelligent and sexy as hell,
    but I will admit, my Adele is a cut above the rest."
    "That is your heart talking," the oldest of the prisoners said with a hearty smile. "Though I admit I have seen few human females with this one's qualities. She is something else again."
    "That she is." Dave knew he was smiling like a besotted fool when Adele finished her comm and came to stand next to him, but he couldn't
    help himself. Her eyes clouded for a moment and she swayed. Dave
    recognized the signs of a vision this time. He put out a hand to steady
    her. She regained her balance and not a moment later, she walked right
    up to the youngest jit prisoner and frowned at him.
    "You should not be here, your majesty."
    Gasps sounded from all the men as Dave's eyes narrowed.
    "I go where I wish."
    "You tempt fate, and she is not happy with you." Adele's beautiful face was stern, but a moment later she smiled. "Still, perhaps you've learned something from this adventure, but I recommend against such
    exploits from this point on. You'll one day have an entire galaxy
    depending on you."
    "How do you know this?" One of the older men demanded.
    "She has the ability to see the future." Dave stood behind her, his expression daring these men to try anything against his woman.
    The jit prisoners surprised Dave by taking his words very seriously
    indeed. They looked at Adele with even greater respect and the older
    men bowed their heads, though their eyes never left her face—a mark of
    respect among jit'suku warriors.
    "What do you see, Lady?" the young man asked in almost hushed
    Adele smiled. "You'd be surprised." She touched his shoulder,
    almost protectively. "I'll tell you this though. If you stay safe and continue on your present course, with no more adventures in our galaxy,
    you'll be the one to end the war. You'll be known as the Peacemaker, in
    the fullness of time. And your wife…" Her eyes seemed faraway as if she were looking at something only she could see. "Your empress will be a very special woman." Her gaze refocused on the young man. "She'll be human…but not. Pay attention to the man from the Pyramid when he
    crosses your path. He and his brothers will be the key."
    "Lady, you speak in riddles."
    Adele smiled. "When these things come to pass, you'll understand
    and hopefully note their significance. That's my purpose. To make you
    aware. But you must live your life and gain from your experiences. Just
    please don't take quite so many chances in future. The perils are great, and if you come back to this galaxy uninvited again, you'll pay the
    "Then you won't turn me in this time?"
    "Speaking for myself, I won't reveal your identity. In fact, because you didn't invade the station itself, but rather remained behind on the
    ship, chances are, there will be no charges levied against you four.
    They'll probably escort you to your side of the border and let you go."
    "Is this true?" one of the older men demanded of Dave.
    "Adele is a highly ranked CSS officer. She knows their procedures
    better than I do."
    "And what about you, sir? Will you divulge my identity? Knowing
    it would probably spell my death?"
    The young man's steadfast gaze impressed Dave. Here stood a man
    with deep honor and courage. And if Adele was to be believed, he would
    one day be the jit'suku emperor.
    "You're just a kid," Dave said off-handedly. "I don't know who you are beyond that." Dave leaned down to look the younger man in the eye.
    "I trust Adele. If she says you're the one to bring peace between our people, then I'll give you every chance to do it."

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