Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf

Free Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf by Kat

Book: Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf by Kat Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat
chuckled, looping her hands around his neck. "I think I already have. The moment I laid eyes on you, colonel, I knew Jeff couldn't hold a candle to you."
    David grinned. "I like the sound of that."
    "Come to think of it," she tilted her head to the side, watching him closely, "few men could compete with your super-human abilities." She felt him tense under her. "Can you tell me about it, David? I've never seen anyone move the way you and those other soldiers can. It's
    definitely not normal."
    He rested his forehead against hers. "I can't tell you much, but
    you've already seen some of what we can do. We were all spec ops—part
    for…changes…to be made to us on a cellular level. It's given us some
    pretty amazing abilities, but it does have its drawbacks."
    She felt him tense up even further. "What kind of drawbacks?"
    "For one thing," he tried to shrug, but it was unconvincing, "it made me sterile. I didn't think it was such a big sacrifice at the time. I mean, I have brothers and sisters who are non-military. Some of them have kids
    already. I figured I didn't really need to worry about it, but now that I'm older, I realize my decision was potentially unfair to any woman I might get involved with."
    "Well," she stroked the nape of his neck with her fingers, "speaking as a woman who you got involved with," she chuckled, "it doesn't make you less attractive on any level, David. Don't worry that some foolish
    woman will reject you over it. If one does, she wasn't worthy of you in
    the first place." Her own vehemence surprised her, as did the possessive feelings stirring in her heart.
    She was afraid she'd revealed too much, but the light in David's eyes
    reassured her. He squeezed her waist, his lips covering hers for a tender salute.
    "You're a wonder to me, Adele. I never thought I'd ever meet a
    woman like you and now suddenly, here you are."
    "It's fate, David. Seeing things the way I do…" she hesitated, having never really talked about her abilities outside her own small family.
    "Well, it gives me an appreciation for the hand that fate plays in our lives. Of course, not everything is pre-destined. Human will plays a large part. But I know the path that led me to The Rabbit Hole—and to you—
    was my own good fortune." She stroked his spiky hair.
    "So you're saying you're okay with the fact that I'm a little
    different?" He seemed to want to make sure of something, his eyes
    intensely studying her response.
    "David, you don't mind about my gift. Do you?"
    "How could I? It just saved our asses." He chuckled, then grew more serious. "It's part of who you are, Adele. I can see that. And I like you just the way you are."
    She smiled broadly. "Then you have your answer." Leaning in, she kissed him with all the pent up desire in her heart, rubbing against his hard body in a way that made her breath catch in her throat. David's
    broad palms skimmed over her, shooting her temperature higher.
    Then the comm chimed.
    Time to go to work. They had a station to secure and a few thousand
    civilians depending on them to do it.
    "We'll pick this up later," David promised as he helped her stand.
    Her knees were a little wobbly, but the promise in David's shining eyes
    steadied her…and made her impatient to get the work done. So she could
    play some more with her beloved soldier.

Chapter Twelve
    Dave got the four jit prisoners linked up with force cuffs. Only their
    feet were left mobile so he could walk them off the ship and to the
    waiting station police. They cooperated since they knew there was no
    way to escape. There were two younger men who wore high quality gear
    and carried themselves a bit differently than your average jit pirate. The other two were older and had the look of personal guards. One of the
    younger men looked to be in his early twenties, and the other might've

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