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Book: Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
love sleep. His arms wrap around my middle from behind and I feel my body slowly lifted into the air. I gasp and try to hit him but there is no use. From the position he is holding me in, I will never make contact.
    “JACKSON PUT ME DOWN!” I yell, and he laughs.
    “Ladies first!” he says as he tosses me over the side of the anchored boat. I laugh as I fly through the air, and then under the ice cold water. It is cold. Really freaking cold! I come to the surface gasping for air.
    “Cold huh?” he says as I watch him jump into the water. Splashing me with more of the ice cold water of the Atlantic. Damn it! I could totally kill him right now.
    When he comes up for air, his shaggy brown hair is dripping wet, and he looks even hotter than he did before he jumped in the water to cool off. It really should be illegal to look that good. I swear this man will be the death of me and I have known him for a whole two damn days.
    “You’re not mad at me, are you A?” he asks with a charming smile. I can’t be mad at him. Well, let me re-phrase that. I can’t stay mad at him when he is looking at me like that. The hair. His eyes so bright and full of something I haven’t seen in far too long. Is it lust? Maybe the small spark of love starting? Yearning? Passion? Something I can’t quite put my finger on yet… but I will figure it out.
    “Oh Jackson, I could never stay mad at you. Not in a million years.” I say with deep sarcasm. He laughs at me and splashes me.
    “How about now?” I splash him back as I laugh hysterically. I am gasping to catch my breathe while we splash back and forth like little kids. As the water finally begins to settle between us, we are breathing heavy and just staring at each other. I am waiting for him to make the first move, but I swim closer to give him the opportunity. Maybe this is my way of making the first move today?
    His arms wrap around my waist, and pull me closer. My wet body slides against his in the sprawling ocean. And in this moment I feel like we are the only two people in the entire world. Our eyes lock again and he goes in for the kiss.
    His lips are salty from the water, and it doesn’t even faze me. In fact the only thing I can think about is how absolutely delicious the salt water is on him when I normally hate the flavor. My hands let go of his arms and snake through his hair. The wet silky locks twist through my fingers and he lets out a moan into my mouth.
    I wrap my legs around his body trying to stay afloat as we make out in the middle of the deep ocean. Far from land or the viewing eyes of any strangers. As I lock my legs around his ass, I can feel the hardness of his dick pressing against my barely covered pussy. The simple movement of fabric could have us fucking in a matter of seconds. My mind focuses on that thought. I can’t push it from my mind as I slowly grind against him. His moans become deeper as we do nothing but kiss and feel our bodies naturally moving together.
    Our hot and heavy make out session is interrupted when my cell phone starts ringing loudly from the deck of the boat. The first missed call I ignore. But when the caller continues to ring repeatedly I know something is wrong. My first thought flies to Liam and I can’t get to the boat fast enough to find out exactly what is going on and make sure my boy is alright.
    I grab the towel I was sunning myself on and dry off before grabbing my phone and seeing all the missed calls. The only problem is they aren’t from Colin like I expected them to be. They are from my landlord. Shit!
    Did I pay my rent? Did I miss something I was supposed to take care of? Fuck!
    I quickly dial his phone number and wait for an answer. Two rings and Paul my landlord answers with a worried tone.
    “Aurora, are you alright?” he asks frantically into the line.
    “Yeah, everything is okay. Why? What’s up Paul?” I am beyond confused.
    “Aurora, we are at the apartment here. It looks like someone broke in. I got

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