Once Upon a Curse

Free Once Upon a Curse by E. D. Baker

Book: Once Upon a Curse by E. D. Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. D. Baker
road leading away from the drawbridge. Although I didn't know much about such things, it seemed odd that so many plants should bloom at the same time.
    "Why would anyone plant flowers around the castle?" asked Eadric. "They make it harder to defend."
    I tapped him on the wing and pointed to the other side of the road where hedges of deep pink roses grew in an intricate maze. "That will be perfect," I said, hopping off the ledge.
    Li'l and Eadric followed me as I flew to the maze, dodging droning bees and butterflies intoxicated with nectar. "Perfect for what?" Eadric asked.
    "For turning back, of course."
    "Already?" asked Li'l. "But we were just starting to have fun!"
    When we passed the drawbridge, I was shocked to see that vines twined around the chains and threaded through the portcullis. Eadric must have seen it, too, because his wings faltered, and I heard him mutter to himself.
    Reaching the maze, we skimmed the rosebushes until I found a secluded niche invisible even to someone looking down from the higher tower. I settled to the ground and used my usual spell to turn us back into humans. No sooner had I smoothed my gown over my hips and adjusted my hem, than I heard voices coming through the maze of shrubs. Eadric heard them, too, and set his hand on Ferdy's hilt, but I shook my head and he took his hand away.
    "Why does Millie need a new gown, Mother? It isn't her birthday," someone whined.
    Startled, Li'l slipped into a dense section of the hedge where even I couldn't see her.
    "I'm sorry, my darling Hazel," a sweet voice replied, "but you want her to look her best for your party, don't you? We wouldn't want her to embarrass you in front of your guests."
    "Really, Mother," said a softer voice. "I don't need another gown."
    "Nonsense," said Hazel. "Mother is right. You'll get a new gown, but it won't be nearly as nice as mine. Will it, Mother?"
    "Of course not, dear. You are the birthday girl, after all."
    "And don't forget, Millie," said Hazel as they rounded the hedge, "stay out of my way when ... goodness, who are you?" she asked, spotting us for the first time.
    Hazel was lovely, but not what I'd expected. She looked like a flower herself, with her porcelain skin, pink cheeks and delicate features. Her thick blond hair reminded me of my mother's. Her lips were the same deep pink as the roses and her eyes a deeper blue than the sky. She didn't look anything like the Green Witch in the tapestry decorating my chamber at home.
    The older woman who walked beside Hazel wore a simple gold circlet to secure the veil covering her hair. Shorter than Hazel, she was plump and had worry lines etching her forehead. Her eyes were green, although not as dark as mine, and I could see our family resemblance. However, the face that really surprised me was that of the young girl peeking from behind her shoulder. Except for her dainty, freckled nose and the carrot-red shade of her hair, which was much brighter than my auburn, I might have been looking in a mirror.
    "I said, 'Who are you?'" Hazel repeated.
    I curtsied and said, "Emma." I wasn't really sure how I should explain my presence since I'd never intended to meet the royal family. I had hoped to talk to one or two people about the curse and leave.
    "You must be one of Aunt Frederika's daughters," said Hazel. "There are so many of you; it's hard to keep track."
    "Are you settled in, dear?" asked the queen, smiling at me kindly.
    "Not really," I said. "I just—"
    The queen frowned and shook her head. "Don't tell me that my steward didn't assign you to a room. I'm so sorry. With all our guests, we simply don't.... I know. Millie," she said, turning to the girl behind her, "you have ample space in your chamber. Your cousin can sleep there. I'll have the steward see that a pallet is brought up before supper."
    The redheaded girl behind her smiled shyly at me and nodded.
    The queen turned to Eadric, who'd been staring at Hazel with obvious admiration. "And you are . . . ?"

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