Crown of Destiny

Free Crown of Destiny by Bertrice Small

Book: Crown of Destiny by Bertrice Small Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertrice Small
truly incredible man.
    She thanked the massage woman and, rising from the table, returned to her bedchamber where Cadi was waiting to help her dress. The gown she held out was just what Lara had wanted. White, gossamer sheer, with an iridescent sheen it seemed to float over her head, the delicate silk caressing her as it fell to her ankles. It was sleeveless, the bodice fitted to display her beautiful round breasts, its neckline draped gracefully to expose her collarbone. The skirt was neither fitted nor full, falling in an elegant line. She wore no jewelry but her gold chain with its crystal star, and a narrow circlet of gold with a single emerald in its center restrained her gilt-colored hair.
    Lara waved away the gold bejeweled sandals Cadi held out to her. "Nay, I do not need them," she said. "We are ready."
    "Thank you for inviting me," Cadi said. The pretty faerie was naked but for a dainty chain of gold that was fastened about her waist, and settled upon her full hips. She had painted the nipples of her breasts with Umbra dye, and tonight she allowed her small, delicate iridescent wings to display themselves. The wings had been a gift from Queen Ilona, for not all faeries were allowed to possess wings.
    The two women walked across the garden to the main corridor, which was a colonnaded walkway. Lara could not resist looking over the baluster into the green valley below, where the herds of horses belonging to the Shadow Princes ran free. They were as magnificent as ever, and she immediately picked out Dasras surrounded by a group of admiring young mares. Cadi saw him too, and when their eyes met the two giggled.
    Kaliq came to greet his beautiful life mate and her companion. "How lovely you both look," he said, taking Lara's hand in his, his bright blue eyes devouring her. "My brothers will be honored by your company this evening." He smiled at Cadi. "I am pleased you have consented to join us." His brothers would enjoy sharing pleasures with the lovely faerie, but he would not lay a hand upon her for she was Lara's companion.
    "Thank you, my lord," Cadi replied, and then as they entered the great banquet hall she was surrounded by several Shadow Princes eager to have her for a supper companion. She would not lack for lovers this evening.
    The banquet hall of Kaliq's palace was filled tonight with his handsome brothers. Some of the Shadow Princes had beautiful companions sharing their broad dining couches with them and Lara recognized many of them. There was her sword master, Lothair. He nodded to her, and from the twinkle in his blue eyes she knew he would take pleasures with her later. She saw Princes Eskil, Nasim, Coilen and Baram among others. She acknowledged them with a polite tip of her head as Kaliq led her to the dais where they would preside over their guests.
    As soon as they were seated, all the Shadow Princes arose, saying with a single, strong voice, "Welcome home, Lara! May you dwell among us forever!"
    Lara stood as they returned to their seats. "I thank you, my lords," she replied. And then with a wave of her hand caused a shower of fragrant rose petals and small pearls to fall upon the banqueting chamber. The female companions of the princes squealed with excitement, reaching for the jewels, and not a one touched the floor. Lara sat down and picked up her goblet, sipping delicately from it.
    "That was nicely done," Kaliq said, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.
    She turned and kissed his mouth, a sweet, slow kiss. "I am happier tonight than I have been in years, my lord. I did not realize how miserable I had been until I woke up a little while ago, and realized I was here, not in the castle of the Dominus. That this was my home. At this moment I never want to see Hetar or Terah again, but I know that is unrealistic, Kaliq. Still, for now I am content to remain here in Shunnar undisturbed."
    The Shadow Prince caressed her face tenderly. "Aye, this is your home, my love, but we both know that your destiny

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