A Distant Melody

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Book: A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Sundin
Tags: Romance
    He frowned. He was too focused on the kiss. Just had to dance with her, talk with her. Conversation had been easy all week but now seemed as unlikely as Flossie flying.
    If only she didn’t look so nice—light as a glider.
    Allie glanced at him. Caught again!
    Before he could turn away, he thought he saw her tongue flick out, quick as a lizard. He blinked a few times. He wasn’t seeing right.
    She crossed her eyes.
    One of the most ladylike creatures he had ever met was making faces at him in front of the wedding guests. A smile cracked the ice on his face. Allie knew he was nervous and wanted to make him comfortable. No one had ever understood him so well.
    He dropped her a wink, packed full of affection. She smiled and faced front.
    Walt flexed his hands and his toes. Yep, he could move. He could talk to her and laugh with her and dance with her. As for that kiss, well, he’d wait and see.

    The knife pressed a valley in the snowy frosting and sank into the cake. Allie slid the cake server under the piece and transferred it to the plate in Helen Carlisle’s hand.
    “Almost done.” Helen’s gaze circled the room. “Dorothy has the beverage table under control, and the band is warming up. If the baby can wait ten more minutes for his bottle, everything will be set.”
    Allie smiled. For sisters, Betty and Helen couldn’t be more different. Betty hated details, and Helen thrived on them. “I think half of Antioch is here. I’m amazed you obtained enough sugar for the cake.”
    “Well, when the grocer’s son gets married . . .” Helen laughed and gathered two empty plates. “But of course, it was honest. We all chipped in our rations.”
    “Speaking of rations.” Jim Carlisle approached the table with a squalling blue bundle. “Jay-Jay wants his milk ration. Your mom’s busy, and mine—can’t find her.”
    Helen glanced at the cake. “I’m almost done.”
    “I can finish,” Allie said.
    Jim thrust the baby into Helen’s arms.
    She sighed and popped the bottle into her son’s open mouth. After a few wails, Jay-Jay settled down with a whimper. Helen smiled at Allie. “Babies are adorable, but they sure ruin schedules.”
    Allie waved away the little family. Serving cake alone was manageable but awkward. The next few slices weren’t centered on the plates, and one slice toppled in a crumbly heap. She pushed it aside to be her piece later.
    “Hi, Allie.”
    The masculine voice behind her was right on cue—if anything, a trifle late. She had been alone almost five minutes. She smiled at Walt over her shoulder and turned back to the cake. “Come to help?”
    “Nah. I came to brief you on our mission for tonight.”
    “Our mission?”
    “You see those vessels—the USS Carlisle and the USS Wayne ?” He leaned over her left shoulder and pointed to Dorothy at the beverage table and Art across the room. “Admiral Anello informed me of our solemn duty to engage the vessels on an intercept course.”
    While she was glad he had overcome his odd shyness during the ceremony, his proximity and boldness rattled her. She pulled herself together and set a cake slice on a plate. “Funny to hear a naval analogy from the mouth of an airman.”
    “Worked better with ships than planes.” The puffs of his chuckle made Allie’s hair and stomach flutter.
    “Wait a minute.” She set down the knife and faced him. He was so close and so handsome in full dress uniform, she took a step back out of necessity. “Haven’t you meddled enough with Art and Dorothy?”
    Walt’s cheeks sagged. “She told you?”
    “I know your intentions were honorable, even if your methods weren’t.”
    He studied her for a moment, as if to ascertain the sincerity of her forgiveness. “I learned my lesson. This is George’s plan.”
    She clasped her hands behind her back. “What’s the plan, Captain Novak? Time’s a-wasting. The vessels are drifting apart.”
    “Captain Novak—I like that.” He grinned,

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