Nothing Lasts Forever
emotional toll weakened him. “Can you wake me when Daddy gets here? I want to tell him I’m going home to the ocean.”
    Sallie nodded and left the room while Abby sat there, her life about to change. It hit her all of a sudden. Perhaps she didn’t give birth, but this was so special. As she sat and watched Kevin sleep she realized she had no idea what a five year old needs. The tears began to flow harder. She slammed her fist to her mouth so she wouldn’t cry out. Kevin needed the rest, not to have to listen to some wild red-haired crazy lady cry because she was so happy he was going to be hers.
    Her shoulders began to shake when two gentle hands steadied them. “Hey. What’s wrong, baby?” She never heard Jon come through the door.
    Abby sniffed and reached for a tissue on the night stand. “I’m so, so, so happy.”
    He knelt beside her and looked in to her eyes. He laid gentle hands on her shoulders. “You’re happy? Abby, you losing it?”
    She sniffed again. “I know it looks that way but you don’t understand. But I can’t tell you why I’m so happy.” She began to sob more than thrust herself in to his arms, her face mashed to his chest.
    “Abbs, baby, shh. It’s okay, whatever’s wrong, it’s okay.”
    “Hi Daddy.” Jon pushed her back to look at her, his body rigid.
    “Did you say Daddy?” Jon asked, so low she almost didn’t hear him. He was looking in to her eyes but spoke to Kevin. She smiled through her tears and nodded.
    “Daddy and Mommie,” he repeated, his voice so soft and frail. His droopy eyes fluttered closed as if he popped out of a dream just to call them by their new names.
    “It’s why I’m crying happy tears,” Abby told him. “Sallie was here a few minutes ago to bring us the good news.” She knew the instant he realized what happened.
    “You serious?”
    She nodded and in an instant his arms went around her as he squeezed her so tight she thought she would explode. Abby couldn’t talk he took her breath away. She was ready to burst inside because she realized he was as happy as she was. “We get a three month trial as foster parents. Details to follow.”
    Jon closed his eyes. It was the first time she ever saw him tear up. She knew he was being a man and trying to hide the fact fluid built up in those beautiful dark orbs but she didn’t say anything. He had to deal with this news in his own way. “What happens after three months?”
    “I have no clue but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him.” Abby shrugged. Once she got him home, she would never give him back no matter what they said. Besides, Jon and her will make great parents, much better than the woman who gave up her rights. Jon, however, wanted to know more in detail.
    “I can’t believe it and yet I can. Did he call me Daddy?” he repeated. His voice, filled with awe made Abby smile.
    “Yes he did, Daddy.” She grinned.
    He kissed her and placed his mouth close to her ear. “I think you calling me Daddy is a whole other thing.”
    Abby flung her head back and laughed out loud. “Go on, go talk to Sallie. I know you have to get all the details. Besides, I want them too.”
    Jon stood up, bent down and kissed her again. His steps were light as he left the hospital room. While Kevin slept, Abby slipped outside to make a phone call.
    “Maggie McCoy, soon to be Maggie Hatfield here. What’s up Abbs?”
    “Wow, you are engaged?”
    “Sort of. He says we are going to be someday but right now we’re lovers.”
    Abby laughed at her friend and future sister in law. Maggie and Jake fell in love before she met Jon. They were living together on No Name Key by the water and she wanted marriage but Jake kept stalling. Maggie was a famous author, incognito, and she could have any man she wanted because she was a beautiful person, inside and out. “You better tell Jake to step up the pace before someone else

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