Nothing Lasts Forever
snatches you up,” Abby teased.
    “I’m working on him. How’s the trip going?”
    Abby took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure how this would fly with Maggie, but she wanted someone to tell right away. “I have some good news. Our trip is over, but in a good way, no, in a great way.”
    “Why? Everything okay, girl?”
    Abby nodded then realized Maggie couldn’t see her. “Jon and I fell in love.”
    “Of course you did. Uh Abby, that happened before the trip. You sure you’re okay?”
    She laughed. “No, not with each other. I mean we do love each other but we fell in love with a patient here. A five year old blonde haired, blue eyed little man who needs us.”
    There was silence on the other end. Maggie cleared her throat. “What does this mean?”
    “It means we get to bring the little guy home with us. We became foster parents.”
    “Oh Abby. That’s great news. If the two of you are happy, we will be happy for you both. It seems like a quick decision, are you sure?”
    “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I can stay here for months and volunteer my time and it would help others a lot. But this little boy needs two parents right now. His Mom gave him up.”
    “Yep, she up and signed him away like he was a stray dog left at the pound. He doesn’t want to go back to her, ever. It was bad for him.”
    “What can I do?”
    “Well, we’re bringing him with us in a few weeks. He should be much better by then. We’ll head straight home but I need a room fixed up for him.”
    “You got it. Do your parents know? I think they’re still around, they haven’t gone off on any adventures since you told them to chill for a while. I’m sure you’re Mom will help me. How old is he again?” Maggie’s voice filled with excitement.
    Abby smiled. “Thanks Maggs. He’s five years old. I’ll call Mom and let her know about Kevin.”
    “Abby, this is on Jake and I.”
    “I have plenty of money, Maggs. Remind me to tell you about the old lady and Elvis who robbed us.”
    “Another time, okay? I gotta go, but keep me informed and tell Jake to expect a call from Jon.”
    “I’ll let him know. He’ll be glad to hear from me since I’m working on my last novel with my current publisher. I’ve neglected him here of late. I should be done in a few hours, then I’ll be free.”
    “Wow, Maggs, you never answer your phone when you’re working on a novel. What do you mean, you’ll be free?”
    “You guys are out on the road. I had no choice but to answer,” she teased. “I decided to go solo.”
    “What does that mean? You and Jake?”
    “No, not about Jake. This is the last book for my current publisher. My contract is up the moment I get this one published. It means I can produce what I want, when I want and write whatever I choose.”
    “Good for you Maggie. Hugs to the both of you and let me know when you get the room done. Bye.” Abby hung up relieved. Now she didn’t have to worry about Kevin coming home to a plain old room.
    “What’s the big smile for baby?” Jon came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist. She turned to him.
    “Maggie said she’ll fix up a room for Kevin. I’m so glad. Knowing her, she’ll have all kinds of fun things for him to play with. I have to call my Mom.” She wasn’t sure how her Mother would react, but there was plenty of room for another person.
    “Want to wait on that first so I can tell you what Sallie said. She mentioned we have to go through a bunch of stuff in the next few weeks, like parenting classes and background checks to make sure we’re fit.”
    “Not a problem. I know I’ll pass. How about you mystery man?” Abby teased. She flung her arms around his neck. “I love you Jon Hatfield. We’re going to have a son.”
    Jon held her face in his hands and in a slow, gentle

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