Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation

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Book: Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation by N.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
let-live kind of person and they had an unwritten agreement to stay out of each other's
way. She knew that if it were up to him, she'd have been driven out of the area long
ago. He seemed convinced that she was in league with the devil and that's where she
got her unusual talents.
Sighing inwardly, she summoned a slight smile. "Good morning, Jeremiah."
"Is it a good morning, Laurel Rose? Or is the devil lurking in the shadows just
waiting for his chance to corrupt good, decent people?" Clad in black from head to toe,
he made quite an impression as his booming voice echoed across the field. Many of the
locals just looked up and then went back to what they were doing, well used to
Jeremiah Stoner's theatrical ways. But some folks stared at him with a mixture of
curiosity, fascination and trepidation.
Even she could admit that he made a compelling figure. He was tall and slender
with a full head of blond hair that always seemed in need of a trim. But it in no way
detracted from his good looks. Laurel Rose figured that many of the women who
attended church went solely to stare at the preacher.
Knowing it would irritate him, she took her time and stared around the sunny field.
"Actually, I think it is a wonderful morning."
His light brown eyebrows drew together in the center of his forehead and his lips
pursed in a frown. "Then I feel sorry for you, child. The devil is near you. I can feel him.
You should come to church and be cleansed of your sins."
Laurel Rose could barely suppress a shudder of distaste. A quick, single picture
flashed in her mind of a cold, dark room, but she couldn't really see it clearly. The room
was filled with anger and pain, as well as a fanatical malice that chilled her. The image
filled her with utter revulsion. She stared right back into the fervent depths of Jeremiah
Stoner's pale blue eyes, knowing that the image was somehow linked to him. "Perhaps
you should take your own advice."
He gasped. At her sheer audacity in speaking to him in such a way or at her
continual refusal to pay his admonishments any heed, she didn't know. But it soon
became a test of wills between them, neither allowing him or herself to look away.
Laurel Rose summoned the power that resided within her, protecting herself with a
wall of white light to deflect the evil thoughts she felt emanating from him.
Time itself seemed to stop and the air around them stilled. Thunder rumbled off in
the distance even though the sky was clear. Laurel Rose knew that somehow Stefan
sensed her unease and the brewing storm was the result. She could sense his rising
anger at Jeremiah and was amazed at the sheer power she felt flowing from Stefan as he
helped to reinforce her protective barrier even though she sensed he was far away. That
kind of power was frightening, yet she felt no fear, only a sense of protection.
Sweat beaded on Jeremiah Stoner's forehead and his face paled, but still he kept his
gaze locked with hers. She could sense him focusing all his willpower on her,
commanding her to follow his instructions. Wanting her to bend to his will.
"How are you both doing today?" The innocent question from Cyril Jenkins broke
the silent war between her and Jeremiah. Cyril was the mayor of Salvation and he
enjoyed his position of power and his high standing in the community. Laurel Rose
liked him well enough because, although he could be a tad pompous at times, he
honestly seemed to want what was best for the community and its inhabitants.
Jeremiah blinked and looked around as if not quite sure where he was. Then he
shook himself and straightened his shoulders as he turned to face Cyril. "Good
morning, Mayor Jenkins. I'm doing just fine myself. How are you this beautiful day?"
Laurel Rose was amazed at how quickly Jeremiah could change. He hid his darker
nature easily, showing his benevolent façade to the world. And the strange thing was
that people believed him, seeing only what he wanted them to see.
"I'm fine, Pastor Stoner." The

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