The Sexorcist

Free The Sexorcist by Vivi Andrews

Book: The Sexorcist by Vivi Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivi Andrews
Tags: Romance
very disturbing about that little man. Even before he started chasing me through the flower sellers.”
    He’d never met anyone who could be flattered by being stalked by a demon before. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, but he smothered it. This was serious business. “I’ll have to find him first. Which is easier said than done without his name or any idea who summoned him.” He looked at Little Miss Sunshine and Innocence and asked a question he was certain he already knew the answer to, “Do you have any enemies, Brittany?”
    She gave a soft, startled laugh. “Enemies? Goodness, no.”
    “No one who would sic a demon on you? This demon didn’t give you any clue why he’d targeted you?”
    “No.” She blinked owlishly and he was caught again in the enormity of her big brown eyes. “What could he possibly want with me?”
    “I don’t think it’s you,” Karma said, startling Rodriguez with the reminder that he and Brittany weren’t alone. “I think it’s the wedding.”

Chapter Nine—Wedding Bell Hell
    “The wedding?” Brittany yanked her eyes off Rodriguez and turned to her new boss.
    Karma stood, arms folded across her chest, the tapping of one manicured fingernail against her opposite arm the only indication of her agitation. “We’ve gone through three wedding planners already. There’s been no end to the minor catastrophes and when the last one left, he said he couldn’t think of the wedding without seeing red . Could someone have summoned a demon to stop the wedding?”
    Rodriguez shrugged, and for a moment Brittany was distracted by his shoulders. Did all men have such lovely shoulders? All muscley and firm. She just wanted to squeeze them. And maybe lick them a little.
    “ Could someone have done it?” he said. “Yes. But why would they bother? There are much easier ways to stop a wedding.”
    “Easier ways that would still ensure no one could track it back to you?”
    Karma and Rodriguez were both so serious, puzzling over the demon problem. Brittany listened raptly, resisting the temptation to bounce. This was by far the most interesting conversation she had ever observed.
    “But we can track the demon back to the summoner,” Rodriguez protested. “We just have to get our hands on the demon.”
    “Which you said yourself is easier said than done,” Karma pointed out.
    “Ooh!” Brittany allowed herself one little bounce. “But he’ll be tracking me, won’t he? I can be bait!”
    Karma and Rodriguez both turned to gape at her as if she’d lost her mind. Perhaps she ought to have offered to be demon bait with a bit less enthusiasm. But she couldn’t help the fact that it sounded like fun. She’d never been demon bait before.
    “No.” Rodriguez said flatly. End of subject.
    Karma tipped her chin to one side, the tiniest smile playing at her lips. “You know, she might be onto something.”
    “ No ,” he repeated.
    “The demon is bound to try to approach Brittany at some point. Why else would he have given her his name? All you have to do is watch Brittany. When the demon arrives, you’ll be ready.”
    Rodriguez’s jaw worked. He did not look terribly pleased with the babysit-the-demon-bait-girl plan. She could actually see his mind racing as he tried to come up with some reason the plan wouldn’t work. She knew the moment he gave up.
    His lickable shoulders tensed and he growled, “Fine. I’ll watch her.” Then he stood, and speared one finger in Karma’s direction. “You’d better be right about this,” he growled.
    Brittany had the feeling he wasn’t only talking about using her as demon bait.
    “It’s only three weeks until the wedding,” Karma said firmly. “You just have to keep her safe until then.”
    “And keep the demon from destroying the wedding,” Brittany chimed in. “I’ll help you.”
    Again, they both looked at her as if she’d grown a second head. What? She wasn’t allowed to participate in the conversation? She had

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