Like the Dawn (Lark #3)

Free Like the Dawn (Lark #3) by Erica Cope

Book: Like the Dawn (Lark #3) by Erica Cope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Cope
seems to think that after his visit to Gautelfr, that though King Magnus seems hesitant, they will ultimately choose in our favor.”
              “I hope so. At the council meeting Brigit acted like she didn't think it was possible.”
              “Yes well, that's the problem with Brigit; she often speaks of things she has no knowledge of.” Isobel smiles kindly at me. “I don't think King Magnus would ever let your father down. They've been friends for too long. King Valdar of Raumelfr, on the other hand, will be a little more difficult to convince.”
              “I just don't understand why. The Dökkálfar are attacking innocent humans. Wouldn't they want to help stop them? Don't they understand how important it is?”
              “It's not quite that easy. You've only been here in Álfheimr. The kingdoms of Raumelf and Gautelfr are much smaller and not quite as grand. They are also not quite as strong as we are which is weighing heavily, I think, against us. They will suffer immensely if we fail. I do not believe they want to take such a risk.”
              “But wouldn't it be better to end it now before Dugan comes after them?”
              “I think they believe that this is a revenge quest. They are choosing to believe Dugan only wants vengeance against his brother and the kingdom that he feels is rightfully his which is why they are choosing to not involve themselves and risk attracting Dugan's attention. I believe it is their hope that if they remain neutral, he will not invade their kingdoms.”
              “And they are okay with just sitting back and letting it happen to us? Do they honestly think Dugan will just leave them alone? Are they truly that ignorant?”
              “Foolish, perhaps. But it is what it is. It's why it's so important for us—namely you—to earn their good graces. It could make all the difference.”
              It's absolutely ridiculous to me that all of this is proving to be so difficult. If I ever become queen, I will always help the other kingdoms if they need me.
              There I go again thinking about when I will be queen. Alberico will continue to rule for centuries so I'm not sure why I even keep thinking about being queen. It's not something I would ever desire.  But it does make me think of another one of my offenses.                                                                                                                 “Isobel, can I ask you something?”
              “Of course dear, what is it?”
              “Are you mad at me?”
              “Why would you think that?”
              “Because I sorta took your place. You were the heir and now I am. It doesn't really seem fair. You must surely have wanted the throne. I'm just afraid that you resent me for pretty much stealing it right from under you—unwillingly or not.”
              “Oh Mia, I could never resent you. I owe you so much.”
              She wraps her arms around me and gives me a fierce hug.
              “There’s something else.  You are wrong about one thing.”
              “Wrong about what?” she asks, releasing me from her embrace.
              “Alberico is keeping secrets from me.”
              I can tell that she knows exactly what I'm talking about and I can also tell that she isn't willing to indulge that little secret regarding the 'other option' for gaining the alliance either.
              “You aren't going to tell me are you?”
              She shakes her head slowly with an apologetic

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