The River Rolls On (Bellingwood Book 10)

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Book: The River Rolls On (Bellingwood Book 10) by Diane Greenwood Muir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Greenwood Muir
every door before we closed the place down. It just showed up."
    She heard him take a deep breath. "I do that to you a lot, don't I?" Polly asked.
    "What's that?"
    "Make you breathe deeply."
    He chuckled. "I guess you do. I'll be right over. I think Will is in town this evening. He'll meet me there. Do you want to pull video for me?"
    "I never think about that," Polly said. "Sure. I'll see what we've got. That's the one door that doesn't have good coverage. Maybe they crossed in front of one of the other cameras, though."
    "Stay safe and I'll be over." Aaron hung up and Polly walked into Henry's office. She poked at the shirt with the stick, wondering whose it might be.
    "It's my size," she mused. "But not a brand I've ever had." It was a western style red plaid blouse, with snaps on the cuffs and down the front. As she poked at the shirt, she heard a rustle. She picked it up from the desk to make sure it wasn't on top of any papers and heard the rustle again.
    "There's something inside the shirt," she said out loud. "Like maybe they pinned a note?"
    Henry had come in the room to stand beside her. "Leave it for Aaron. He'll kill you if you mess with his evidence. You can be patient, even if it's just for a few more minutes."
    She looked at him with a glint in her eyes. "Do you remember who you're married to?"
    He took the stick out of her hand and set it on top of the blouse, then took her arm and steered her back into the media room. "Will one of you sit on her? She's a menace."
    "You have changed, Polly," Jon said. "You were such a nice, sweet girl when we knew you back in Boston. You didn't get into trouble, you didn't find dead bodies, and you didn't have psycho freaks kidnapping you."
    "I'm still nice."
    Ray laughed. "Maybe it's the fact that the nice, sweet Polly Giller came home to the nice state of Iowa. All of that nice came crashing together into a cataclysmic eruption that she'll never be able to escape." He turned to Henry. "And you're the crazy man that waded into the middle of it, expecting to stay safe."
    "I live in the eye of the storm," Henry said. "It's safer there than anywhere else."
    "That would explain it all," Polly said. "See, Henry! I told you that things were normal when I lived in Boston. Nothing weird ever happened to me. I was as dull and boring as you could be. Am I right?"
    Jon nodded agreeably. "She's right. When Drea told us about the skeletons falling out of your ceiling... Wait. Was that up here?"
    "Yep," she said. "Those bathrooms out there."
    He chuckled. "That's funny. It's kind of like realizing you're sitting in the middle of a movie set. All of these stories that we heard about happened right here. Polly's Paranormal Party . Yeah. That would make a great horror movie. Maybe you can get Stephen King to write the screenplay."
    "Funny. Uh huh. You're a riot," she said, flinging a throw pillow at him.
    Jon snatched it out of the air before it hit the lamp on her reading table. "You still can't throw worth a darn," he said. "You have to keep an eye on your target, not the item you're throwing."
    "She can't catch either," Henry said, tossing a cookie to her.
    Polly flung her hand out to catch it, only to have it sail past her and into Ray's outstretched hand.
    "This is not nice," she said.
    "How did your dad not teach you to throw a ball?" Ray asked.
    "Or catch it?" Henry pressed.
    "We had other things to do. Whatever." Polly stalked out of the media room and headed for the kitchen. "You guys are mean," she said loudly.
    Ray trotted over to catch up with her. "You're right. We are. We're adults and should know better. You've done an amazing thing here and that's your strength. Right?"
    Polly stuck her tongue out at her husband.
    "What was that for?" he asked.
    "Just because I feel like I'm back in elementary school and you deserved it."
    Henry laughed. "Maybe one of these days I'll take you out back and teach you how to catch. That's when you have to keep an eye on the ball." He and Jon

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