joined them in the kitchen and he asked, "Now what are you doing?"
"Putting water on for tea. We're about to have more people in the house and I'm being polite."
"It's Aaron. You know he won't have anything."
"I'm still going to offer. And I don't know Will Kellar yet. Who knows? Maybe he'll be one of those polite boys who has to accept tea when it's offered."
"You're kind of a mean one," Jon said, opening cupboard doors.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Looking for dog treats."
Polly pointed to the correct cabinet. "But they don't need any more reason to love you. You've already gotten them to adore you."
"Positive reinforcement. And besides, once this is all over, they're going to need to go back out. We didn't get very far before I had to bring them back inside."
Henry's phone rang. "It's Aaron," he said and answered it. "Hello?"
He listened and then said, "I'll be right down." He headed for the door. "I'm going to meet them downstairs. They want to walk the property and check the doors, just in case."
"I'll come with you," Ray said. "Jon, you stay here with Polly."
After they left, Jon said, "I can't believe you take this so well. Why aren't you freaking out?"
"I don't know," Polly said with a shrug. "I handle it like this when I'm in the middle of it. Poor Henry has to put up with me later when I turn into a blithering idiot. But I know that freaking out doesn't achieve anything, so I just wait until things get quiet."
He gave her a quick hug. "I'm proud of you. You're an amazing girl. I should have paid attention to Mama when she told me to grab you up and marry you."
Polly pushed away from him with a laugh. "You aren't ready to be married yet, Jon Renaldi, but when that day comes, you'll have found the perfect girl and no one will question whether or not it's the right thing for you two to do."
"I hope so. I really hope so. I kind of envy this happy life you have out here with ole Hank."
"Stop it, you brat."
"I like him, though. I don't think you could have found anyone better. He's your lobster."
Nodding hello to Aaron and Deputy Kellar when they came in the front door with Henry and Ray, Polly pointed to the other room. "It's on Henry's desk. I didn't touch it, but I wanted to. I think there's something pinned to the inside of the shirt."
Henry beckoned to Will Kellar to follow him and the two men went to retrieve the shirt.
"Was there anything else?" she asked Aaron.
He looked at Ray and slowly nodded. "A pair of jeans was hanging on a tree branch back by the creek, we found a bra tucked into a drainpipe, and a pair of panties dropped in Eliseo's garden.
Polly wilted. "This has to belong to that girl."
Aaron nodded. "That's our assumption."
"The shirt is my size," Polly said. "That's why my clothes fit her."
"You're handling this better than I expected," Aaron said, sitting down beside her.
"What else am I supposed to do? You know I don't do panic-screamy girl." She looked up and gave a sad smile to Henry. "Until you all leave and then Henry has to hold on while I cry."
Will came in holding a clear evidence bag, filled with the shirt.
"What was on the note?" Polly asked.
He handed Aaron another, smaller bag.
Aaron looked at it, shut his eyes, and turned it over, shielding the contents from Polly.
"What?" she asked. "You can't hide this from me. What is it?"
"We're calling Digger now," Aaron said. "I don't want to do this alone any longer. If he wants to call the FBI, I'm fine with that."
Will nodded. "Yes sir, boss."
"Why are you calling the FBI?" Polly asked quietly. "Please tell me what's going on."
Aaron handed her the bag, with the note facing up. She read it.
"Oh Polly, why are you hiding? You know I will stop at nothing to have you. Everything you've done up until this point can be forgiven.
I didn't want to do this, but we had no choice. She looks just like you, but in the end, she isn't you at all, is she. I'm so sorry that you don't understand