Fear Me
bathroom mirror. I didn’t like who I saw looking back at me.
    I was mortified.
    I hurt Willow.
    I never hurt Willow and Willow never hurt me. Once class was over she practically ran out the room and I couldn’t stop her.
    I finished cleaning up and tossed away the many tissues I used to cry my pain into. I never thought when I woke up this morning that any of this would happen. He said he would take her away from me but I didn’t believe him. There was a lot I didn’t want to believe. Like the fact that Keiran was going to use sex and control to destroy me and I had to let him.
    I knew Keiran would consume me if I let him have me. I wouldn't be able to survive what he was planning without experience.
    I finally left the bathroom to find Keiran leaning against the wall across from the bathroom door; one foot perched on the wall with his hands in his pockets. I stared at him and he stared back. When he crooked his finger, motioning for me to come to him, I gave into temptation. He stood up straight and fisted his hand in my shirt bringing my chest flush with his.
    “Whatever bullshit you’re telling yourself to escape what’s going to happen between us, drop it. I’ve already told you how it’s going to be. You want it just as bad as I do and I…will…have…you. End of discussion.”
    It was safe to say that I was in deep shit.
    * * *
    I tried once again to reach Willow in the hour I'd been home. I figured there was no way he would know I talked to her but when I didn’t get an answer after the fifth or sixth time, I grew frustrated. I had allowed Keiran to tear us apart without lifting so much as a finger.
    “Screw it,” I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs ignoring Keiran’s warning not to leave. He dropped me off after school and immediately left. Aunt Carissa was gone now for her tour and the house felt incredibly empty without her.
    I stepped outside and locked up but an eerie feeling had me looking around nervously. I instinctively searched for a particular black muscle car but when I didn’t spot it anywhere I shook off the feeling and hopped into my car. Willow lived just around the corner in the neighboring cul-de-sac.
    I was at her house a couple of minutes later and noticed her car outside. Her parents’ car was gone so I knew she was home alone. Buddy probably wasn't home as usual. He was a freshman but has already moved up in ranks at Bainbridge and earned the title as one of the hottest—even senior girls chased him. We’ve grown close over the years and he was like the little brother I would never get. I swallowed down the unwanted feeling of bitterness and rung the doorbell.
    A few minutes passed but no one answered. Refusing to let my only friendship die I tried the doorknob. The door surprisingly opened so I entered, checking the living room and kitchen before moving upstairs.
    “Willow?” I called out when I reached the landing. I could hear low sounds coming from her room as I moved forward. When she didn't answer I feared there was something wrong so I pushed the door open. “Willow?”
    I walked in and instantly wished I hadn’t.
    I could barely make out Willow on the bed covered by a large male body. Her legs were wrapped around his hips. Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed tight. She was gripping the muscular buttocks of the guy who had her pinned to the bed as her breasts rocked in rhythm with the headboard banging against the wall. Her passionate cries mixed with his lustful groans as he pounded her, forcefully. It was a wonder I couldn't make it out clearly before. Suddenly his head turned toward the door and he immediately spotted me as I stood frozen watching them.
    Dash Chambers. Keiran’s best friend. His name tasted bitter on my tongue.
    He continued his furious pace—never missing a beat as he watched me watch him with a smirk. Willow had yet to notice me as he continued to pleasure her so I stepped back quickly and quietly shut the door. I ran

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