
Free Mated by Ria Candro

Book: Mated by Ria Candro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ria Candro
his magic on her. “Don’t
    stop,” she pleaded hoarsely, gyrating in the chair.
    But, after several minutes of pleasure, he lifted his head and pronounced her his
    mate, moving to take his place back next to Leikos. They were both breathing heavily, each of them pumping his cock with his fist as he greedily gazed upon Natalie’s bared flesh.
    Andros spoke, drawing their attention. “Men, each of you has proclaimed this
    woman your mate. Now for the final test. Me.”
    He walked around the throne to stand directly in front of Natalie. The other men
    approached, Leikos standing on one side of Andros, Zafron on the other.
    Natalie stared up at Andros’ face. His eyes were half-lidded in desire as he stared
    down at her while leisurely pumping his staff in his hand. The fierce beauty of his face was mind-blowing, especially in his state of heightened arousal. She was so excited at this point that she thought she might let him do anything to her.
    “Please,” she said, wiggling her hips invitingly. I need you.
    “Are you my mate, Natalie?” Andros whispered harshly.
    Leikos and Zafron each reached down to grasp one of her thighs, lifting them up off
    the leg rest and into the air, spreading her open even further.
    She gasped, her heart beating furiously in excitement. “Please,” she repeated,
    unable to take her eyes off her body, soaked and fully open before them, eagerly
    awaiting Andros’ touch.
    “Yes,” Andros replied. Instead of kneeling and stroking her with his tongue, as
    she’d expected, he leaned down and placed the tip of his large arousal at the entrance to her womb.
    She didn’t even think about resisting. She wanted him far too much.
    Natalie’s breath caught as Andros began to ease himself into her tight sheath. As
    wet and excited as she was by having had Leikos and Zafron go down on her, he still
    had to work to get himself inside of her. She cried out as he slowly pushed inward. He 61
    Ria Candro
    was wide and large, as he filled her with an intensity that bordered between pain and pleasure.
    “Oh, please,” she cried out, as Leikos and Zafron held her immobilized in the chair.
    The pleasure of his heavy penetration was too good to bear.
    “Come on, Natalie, let me in. You have to take all of me,” Andros whispered
    harshly, sweat beading on his forehead as he pushed himself further in.
    “I don’t think this is going to work,” Natalie responded, whimpering at the intense
    feel of his intrusion.
    Andros laughed. “Trust me, it will work,” he replied thickly. “We’ll make it work.”
    He continued pushing himself in slowly with little pulsing thrusts. Natalie felt the
    accompanying stretch as her body worked to accommodate his length and girth. Finally
    he was almost completely inside. “Come on, just a little more.”
    In between her excited cries, she heard the harsh pants and rough groans of the
    other men, the sounds that let her know they were finding as much enjoyment from
    Andros’ lovemaking as he was.
    Zafron leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Come now, take it all. Give him more of
    your delicious pussy.” She moaned in response, feeling a shudder of pleasure run down her body. “You must prove that you can take all of us. That is the only way you can be our mate.”
    Her body shook at the exquisite torture, her breath coming out in panting gasps.
    She gave a keening cry as Andros finally succeeded in pushing himself in to the hilt. He groaned, twisting his hips, and simply stayed there for several long moments before
    pulling out about halfway and then thrusting back in.
    “Andros,” Natalie cried out, unable to do more than push her hips against him with
    her legs still held by Leikos and Zafron.
    “Yes, my mate,” he said, leaning down to give her a hot, open-mouthed kiss. He
    then rose and withdrew almost completely before thrusting roughly back in. The force
    of his thrust tore a keening cry out of Natalie. He continued to fuck her,

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