Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Alanea Alder Page A

Book: Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
four babies
    and diaper bags.” Kate smiled her thanks at Ma.
    Ma looked over to Connor and nodded.
    “And on that note. Can I have everyone’s attention?” He walked to the back of the diner where the new
    doorway still looked out of place across the hall from the long serving counter.
    “As you know we’ve had a bit of construction here lately. Now you will get to see why. David, Daniel,
    if you would?” Connor waved to the new parents.
    David and Daniel split up. They handed fobs to each set of parents, including Ashby and Gabriel.
    Connor was willing to bet they worked double time last night to get those ready for today.
    “What our technical geniuses have passed to you are fobs that will act as keys to get through this door.
    The only other people who have a fob are myself, Ma, and Pa.” Connor grinned. He deliberately waited,
    drawing out the suspense. He could see Rebecca practically coming unglued.
    “Connor!” she wailed. He decided to take mercy on his little sister.
    “Okay, Rebecca, we’ll let you go first. You can see what is behind door number one.” He bowed and
    gestured to the door. She quickly waddled forward and used the fob on the small black electronic box
    installed on the right. They heard a click as it unlocked and she opened the door. Behind her, Kate,
    Sebastian and Ashby followed, holding their babies.
    “Welcome to Baby Central, your home away from home,” Connor announced.
    The new mommies and daddies turned this way and that to take in everything that was in the room.
    Kate, then Rebecca, plowed into Connor to strangle him in a hug.
    “You have no idea what this means.” Kate sniffled. Ashby wiped his eyes and Sebastian ran a hand
    along the smooth wood of one of the cribs, blinking back tears.
    “This is your home too. I hope this means that you will be spending more time in the diner so I can play
    with those babies.” Ma grinned and Sebastian and Ashby went to her. She wrapped an arm around each of
    them and pulled them in for a hug.
    “For nap time we’ve tied the baby monitors into the sound system. Anything louder than a whimper and
    it will mute the music and you will be able to hear them,” David explained, then blushed when Rebecca
    kissed him on the cheek.
    “Come on everyone, let’s grab something to eat,” Connor said. Everyone laughed and headed out of the
    new room.
    “You and your family are amazing,” Madison said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
    “They’re your family too. But why do you say that?”
    “You go out of your way to make this feel like a home. That means a lot.”
    “Blame Rebecca.” He grinned and she rubbed noses with him.
    “I don’t want to be pregnant anymore!” Rebecca yelled.
    “Oh honey, your baby will come when he is ready,” Doc explained, rubbing her back.
    “Are you sure he’s not all curled up comfy for the winter?” Rebecca asked.
    Connor watched his brother-in-law fight to keep a straight face.
    “I’m sure that poor little guy is out of room.”
    “I don’t think I can do this six more times,” Rebecca complained.
    “Well you have at least six more to get through.” Aleks smiled down at his mate. She scowled up at him.
    “No way. This one is it.” She shook her head, sending her dark curls flying.
    “No form of birth control works. Trust me, I know.” Ma laughed. Rebecca just smiled.
    “I know one surefire way not to get pregnant.” She picked up a French fry and dipped it in her ketchup.
    Connor could see Aleks’s brows snap together. He could tell his older brother was mentally going
    through all known forms of birth control. Connor couldn’t help grinning. He knew what she meant.
    Suddenly Aleks’s mouth dropped.
    “You don’t mean that, do you, Becca?” he asked, sounding worried.
    “Little Aloisius is okay with being an only child.” She rubbed her belly.
    Connor couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing at his brother’s face. Liam looked over and winked at
    Connor. They had been

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