Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Alanea Alder

Book: Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
At that point it became “The Project.” Ma had told them what to build and what to buy
    and the Arkadion boys made sure it happened. Everyone except Aleks had lent a hand.
    They had converted Ma’s extra office into Baby Central. On one wall was a long counter that had two
    microwaves and two sinks with bottle-drying racks. Under the long counter were three mini-fridges that he
    knew were stocked with bottled water and formula. The other three walls were lined with dressers
    interspaced with six cribs, two on each wall. On top of each dresser were multiple changing pads in
    multiple colors and warming baby wipe dispensers. There were five Diaper Genies and what seemed to
    Connor to be an endless supply of clothes, diapers, toys, pacifiers, bottles and blankets.
    They had closed off the back doorway, making it one solid wall, and Duncan had cut a doorway which
    opened up right into the diner. He had David and Daniel order a security system for the door where you had
    to have a fob to get into Baby Central. That way the new parents could monitor the only entrance and exit,
    and the number of people able to get in would be limited. Today the new parents would get their fobs.
    “Can I see now ??” Rebecca demanded. Ma laughed and waved Connor over. Madison grinned and
    pushed him forward.
    “We’re waiting on one more person,” Connor said, eyeing the doorway. He knew the surprise that
    Ashby had and he didn’t want to exclude him in this present. As if on cue, the bells to the door chimed and
    the vampires arrived.
    Gabriel, David, Daniel and Ashby walked into the diner. He heard Rebecca’s gasp and knew that she
    had figured out what the tiny bundle in Ashby’s arms was.
    “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Rebecca for once was speechless.
    “Ashby, is that a baby?” Kate asked, eyes bright. She had already pulled one of the Pack ’N Plays over
    and set Landon and Lucas in it to play. She held Merrick and Bran held Matthew.
    Ashby nodded and beamed at his friends. Everyone gathered around to inspect the newest member of
    their family. Connor and Madison made their way over. Connor met Gabriel’s eye and the prince nodded.
    Connor nodded in return.
    “Congratulations to you both,” he said.
    “Ashby, how could you keep this from me?” Rebecca demanded, her hands on her hips.
    “That would be my fault. I wasn’t able to tell Ashby himself until right before this little one was on our
    doorstep. His parents were killed by Drainers, and since he had no other family, the council awarded us
    custody,” Gabriel explained.
    “He is so tiny! He looks like you, Ashers!” Rebecca said excitedly.
    “He’s a fennec fox too, it’s why they gave him to us. There aren’t that many of us.” Ashby smiled down
    at the baby who had woken up and looked around with wide blue eyes.
    “What is his name?” Sebastian asked, cradling his son against his chest.
    “We have named him Arthur. How is baby Lucian?” Ashby asked. Sebastian grinned.
    “He eats more than all our lions combined!” Sebastian laughed.
    “Tell me about it! I have two. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up. When one isn’t hungry the other
    is, by the time you’re finished feeding one, the other one is hungry again.” Kate rolled her eyes.
    “Oh let me see!” Ashby said, looking at the baby in Kate’s arms.
    “This is Merrick, Bran is holding Matthew.” Kate turned so Ashby could see his face.
    “Wow, he looks like a mini-Bran,” Ashby joked.
    “They both have his hair, but it’s the eyes I love. They both got his amber-colored eyes.” Kate smiled
    down at her son.
    “Shifter babies are different than human ones. You usually don’t know a human baby’s eye color until
    they are six months old,” Rebecca said as Arthur grabbed her finger and began to wave it about.
    “Shifter babies are only slightly more advanced but definitely stronger,” Ma said.
    “Thank goodness you have the Pack ’N Plays here. I can’t imagine hefting two about, plus

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