
Free Charmed by Koko Brown

Book: Charmed by Koko Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Koko Brown
Tags: Romance, Romantic Comedy
the dais. His appearance had changed as well. He was a pitiful soul in tattered clothing. Apparently the younger woman had robbed him of everything.
    “Serves his ass right,” Chloe muttered under her breath.
    The woman looked up at the old man and stopped playing. Although she looked forty years younger, the old man still recognized her. Ashamed at what she had done to herself, she jumped up and attempted to run off the stage. However, the man followed her and stopped her, pulling her in his arms.
    He brought her back to the front of the dais and handed her the string instrument. Once they were seated, she began to play for him. While she played, he reached out a hand and touched her face. Shaking his head, he began to weep for he realized that he was the cause for her transformation.
    Taking pity on him, the woman set aside her instrument and drew him into her arms and comforted him. Although the man had been the reason for her change and the creature she’d become, the woman’s love for him allowed her to forgive him.
    When Tristan gently lifted her hand and kissed it, Chloe couldn’t help feeling that forgiveness might be just what was needed.

Chapter Six
    The lights slowly dimmed on the players on stage. While the lights rose on the seating area, Raleigh stood up and graciously accepted his guests’ applause.
    “Ming and I hope you enjoyed tonight’s play. She spent several long weeks ‘perfecting’ your entertainment. Now is the hour that I’ve been waiting for especially. It is time for us to quench our baser needs. Let us feast!”
    The conservatory doors suddenly flew open and a group of young people, in their early twenties, filed into the room. Chloe looked around uneasily as Raleigh and his other guests shifted from their human form to vampire. No longer able to fight an urge to flee, Chloe struggled up from her seat. However, Tristan grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her down on his lap.
    Chloe looked back at Tristan. His eyes glowed with an unnatural light and his face had begun to transform as well. His brows were distended and his cheekbones were more pronounced, almost hollow. But, despite the drastic changes in his normally handsome features, his voice was gentle as he whispered in her ear. “Do not run, beloved. You have nothing to fear. No harm will come to you or anyone else here tonight. Those are simply familiars. They’re especially chosen to serve us. Of course they can choose not to but many willingly do.”
    One by one, the familiars joined Raleigh’s guests. Eventually one of them knelt in front of her and Tristan. The young man bowed his head obediently. Like the other familiars, he was exquisite in both form and features. With straight blond hair so pale it appeared white and clear creamy skin not yet ruined by the sun, he looked almost angelic in appearance.
    Chloe stared at his bowed head and wondered why someone so young and beautiful would want to live his life being someone else’s food.
    “Why don’t you ask him, sweet? The answer may surprise you.”
    Chloe bristled at the fact that Tristan had just read her thoughts but she couldn’t resist his suggestion. She reached out her hand and touched the young man on the shoulder. His head came up and he smiled. “Yes, mistress.”
    “Why do you serve them? Why do you allow yourself to be fed upon?”
    The young man’s brow knitted in confusion. Obviously it was a strange question and one that had never been asked because he looked nervously at Tristan, who in turn nodded his head in encouragement.
    “It’s simple. They are so much more evolved than we humans. They are cultured where we are barbarians. They cherish while we destroy. They have a respect for life while we selfishly take it. I have been a familiar for five years and I have never seen harm come to anyone. I am treated with kindness and respect. And hopefully one day, I will be given my reward—eternal life.”
    The young man reached up and unbuttoned

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