The Secrets Of Female Sexuality

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Book: The Secrets Of Female Sexuality by David Shade Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Shade
heard her come very vocally, and then I slid the papers under the door and left.
    Never again would a Bad Boy steal a woman away from me, and never again would a woman be anything less than completely fulfilled and breathless after sex with me.

The Long Road To Enlightenment

    I got my wits back and settled down. No longer was I interested in revenge. I simply wanted to live a fulfilling life.
    I knew what that Bad Boy was doing when he worked the women. I wanted to have the same effect on women, but I didn't want to do it by taking advantage of a woman's vulnerabilities. I wanted to do it by empowering her strengths.
    I started by reading divorce recovery books. I read as many as I could.
    That got me interested in books about relationships. I read tons of them.
    It started to become apparent to me that my relationship with my wife had been doomed from the beginning. Basically, as it turns out, she had low self-esteem.
    Even though she had the perfect life, and was treated like a queen, she did not have the sense of deservedness enough to appreciate it. In fact, it was against what she believed that she deserved. She honestly believed that she deserved to be treated poorly. And thus, she sabotaged what she had with me.
    So, basically, it was all my fault! I had chosen poorly!
    That's right. I had only married her because she was so smoking hot.
    That was the first step to recovery. I assumed responsibility for my lot in life.
    Because of what I had been through, I worked hard to devise a way to choose the correct women, which has since served me well.
    At the same time, I realized what that Bad Boy was doing. He was preying on the insecurities of low self-esteem women.
    “Women need constant doubt.” “Never let her think she has you.” That will certainly keep a low self-esteem woman on her toes. Low self-esteem women are always chasing what they can’t have. But a high self-esteem woman will tire of that. A high self-esteem woman
    wants to get to the point where she can enjoy having her man. If she can’t, she’ll move on.
    “She must always be jealous of you.” True for preying on the insecurities of low self-esteem women. Very bad for high self-esteem women. There are much better ways to have the occasional “healthy” jealousy that keeps a high quality woman sharp.
    “Always remain interesting and challenging to her.” Agreed. But there are healthy ways to do this.
    “Always keep strife in the relationship.” Wrong! That will attract low self-esteem women. It will repel high quality women.
    “Be possessive of her. She must feel owned.” Very bad! High quality women do NOT want to be “owned.” I will later explain the correct “occasional” context in which this is actually a good thing, and very powerful.
    “Never let her look at another man.” “Keep other men away from her.” Bad Boys are very insecure paranoid men who know that other Bad Boys are always trying to steal his woman away. But in actuality, such a mind-set will repel high quality women. And in reality, there is no need!
    “Show her more excitement than any other man has.” “Sexually fulfill her, and then some.” Agreed. Most definitely. And I have gone MUCH further!
    “Never let her feel she fully satisfies you.” WRONG! In fact, for high quality women, I will show you that in fact you want to show her just how MUCH she satisfies you, and why that is so powerful!
    “Know her weaknesses and play them when needed.” That is just so fucking stupid! Typical of the low self-esteem Bad Boy.
    I have devised much more rewarding ways to keep a high self- esteem woman excited about the relationship, and in fact, how to bring out her inner SLUT!

    And since I was back in the dating scene again, I wanted to be a memorable lover for the women that I was meeting and I wanted to
    enjoy the experiences myself to the maximum extent possible. So I read all the books about sexuality and being a better lover.
    Unfortunately, they were

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