The Hellion and The Heartbreaker

Free The Hellion and The Heartbreaker by Jennifer McNare

Book: The Hellion and The Heartbreaker by Jennifer McNare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer McNare
reaction was well worth it.
    “Now?” she asked, her upturned face reflecting both her
excitement and her sudden impatience.
    “Yes, now.”  He couldn’t help but chuckle.  She
looked as if he had just presented her with a priceless diamond necklace. 
He found her utterly delightful.
    Since there was no one else about, he pulled Brutus from his
stall and asked Scarlett the whereabouts of her saddle.  When she pointed
it out, he was momentarily confused, for it wasn’t a sidesaddle as he’d expected. 
How on earth did she intend to ride astride in that bulky skirt, he wondered?
    Noticing Alec’s curious expression, Scarlett gave him a saucy
smile as she grasped both sides of the heavy velvet skirt and pulled it apart,
revealing the hidden stitching.  The skirt was cleverly divided into two
sections, just like a pair of pants.  Although she had given up her boy’s
breeches, she had put her foot down regarding the sidesaddle, much to Georgie’s
chagrin.  Fortunately, the local seamstress had provided the perfect
solution to her dilemma.
    Alec quirked an eyebrow and gave Scarlett an appreciative
nod.  “Clever.”  He never would have guessed that it wasn’t a
traditional riding habit.
    While he was busy getting Brutus saddled, Scarlett went to
fetch Alec a mount.  She chose Rory’s horse, for he was almost as large as
Brutus was, and she knew that her easy-going brother wouldn’t mind Alec riding
    Once they had gotten both horses saddled, Alec assisted
Scarlett up onto Brutus’ back.  “Are you sure you’ll be able to handle
him?” he asked.  She looked so small sitting atop the huge stallion, that
he felt a moment’s hesitation.  The expression on her face however, was
all the answer he needed.  She looked as if he had asked her if the sky
were yellow, or something equally ridiculous.  “Sorry, silly question.”
    As they trotted out of the stable, Alec gazed admiringly at
Scarlett.  She sat the horse as if she had been born in the saddle. 
He supposed she practically had been, growing up at Grey Oaks.  “Where
shall we go?” he asked.
    Scarlett knew exactly where she wanted to take him.  “Do
you remember the hot springs; the one I took you to the last time you were
    “I do,” he replied.  “It was a beautiful spot.”
    “It’s even more beautiful in the winter,” Scarlett told
him.  “Would you like to see?”
     “I would be delighted.  Lead the way, My
    With a gentle flick of the reins, Scarlett urged Brutus
forward, reveling in her seat atop the powerful stallion.  He was truly a
magnificent animal and she was thrilled to be riding him at last.
    Alec immediately followed, watching in admiration as Scarlett
handled Brutus with ease.  A few minutes into their ride, they struck up
an easy conversation, one that continued until they reached their destination.
    As Scarlett had envisioned, the bubbling pool was clouded in
a steamy haze when they arrived, and a few random bits of snow had started to
fall, fluttering down through the mist like tiny, shimmering crystals.  It
was a wonderful place, surrounded by towering pine trees, the setting romantic,
almost ethereal. 
    The spot was just as Alec remembered; only this time the
slowly drifting haze and tiny flakes of snow that surrounded them, gave it an
almost mystical feel, and in turn gave Scarlett the look of a fairytale princess. 
Alec could only stare in utter fascination, wondering for a moment, if she was
indeed from another world.  He had never seen anything like Scarlett
McPhearson, and doubted that he ever would again.  She was truly an
incomparable.  Damn, he thought once again, why did her last name have to
be McPhearson?
    Scarlett felt Alec’s eyes upon her and looked up.  His
expression caused her stomach to do one of the crazy little flip-flops it had
recently developed whenever she caught him looking at her in that certain
way.  Here in this secluded spot, alone

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