Ivan the Terrible
    It is with deep gratitude that I acknowledge all the help that I have been given in the preparation of this book. In the first place I must thank the Leverhulme Trust for a generous grant for research assistance to enable me to complete it. I also wish to thank Professors Michael Branch and George Kolankevich, successively Directors of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, now part of University College London, for the facilities which they granted me, as an Honorary Research Fellow, and which enabled me to make use of the rich collection of the Library of the School. My thanks also go to the Librarian, Dr Lesley Pitman, and the staff of the Library, for their kindness and patience with me, and to Vladimir Smith Mesa for extra special attention. I must also record my gratitude to the London Library, a centre of excellence if ever there was one, and to Raj Khan who looked after my computer.
    I must single out five people whose help was invaluable. My old friend and colleague, Professor W.F. Ryan, who helped me with offprints and suggestions, read the whole work, and saved me from many infelicities. Needless to say he is not to be blamed for any which remain. Secondly, my new friend (made on the Internet!) Dr Sergey N. Bogatyrev, who was generosity itself, supplying me with offprints, photocopies of his articles, and suggestions for reading, read the whole of my MS, and allowed me to pick his brains in endless conversations. He too, however, must be absolved of responsibility if I have occasionally wilfully refused to follow his lead. And to my old friend, Professor H.M. Scott, who also read the early chapters and gave me sound criticism and advice. Fourthly, Mrs Gwyneth Learner, who took on the chore of being my research assistant and gave me invaluable help in areas beyond my reach. And finally Mrs Vlasta Gyenes, Senior Library Assistant at SSEES, without whose constant friendly and kind assistance I would not have been able to complete my work in the Library now that I can no longerclimb stairs or ladders. All these kind friends gave me enormous moral support, and sometimes physical support.
    In Russia I am grateful to Professor R.G. Skrynnikov, who kindly gave me his book, Tsarstvo Terrora ; to Professors A.B. Kamensky and S.A. Kozlov, who also sent me books, and to Dr Oleg Omel'chenko, who was more than kind in procuring books for me as well as photocopies of obscure articles. Na dobruyu pamyat '.
    I am also grateful to Dr J. Lehtovirta, who gave me his book, to Dr Julia Gerasimova of Leyden University, for advice on illustrations, to Professor R. Frost, for much good advice, to Professor W.E. Butler for advice on Russian law, to Professor A. Pippidi, Director of the Institute of Modern History in Bucharest, who filled me in on the background to relations between Moldavia and Russia and sent me photocopies of articles, to Professor Averil Cameron who advised me on Byzantium, to Dr Susan Reynolds, who educated me in medieval history, to Professor John Guy who put me on the right track in English history, and to Dr N. Mears for information on the courtship of Queen Elizabeth by Erik of Sweden. I would also like to thank Robert Baldock at Yale University Press for his constant support, and Candida Brazil who coped with a difficult manuscript with unfailing patience and efficiency. Finally I am deeply grateful to Dr Stephen Sebag Montefiore, who gave me most useful help and information on sixteenth-century medicine and advised me and provided me with literature on the psychiatric problems of Ivan the Terrible.

    Russia and Poland-Lithuania, mid-sixteenth century

Canadian American Slavic Studies
Chtenia v imperatorskom obshchestve istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh pri moskovskom universitete
Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique
Forschungen zur Geschichte Osteuropas
Jahrbücher für Osteuropäische Geschichte
Polnoe Sobranie Russkikh

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